February: Month @ a Glance

Happy February Friends!

And happy baby Friday! I hope your week has been going well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead! 

Photo Courtesy of Love This Pic

Does anyone else feel like January flew by? I seriously felt like we hit the ground running and cannot believe the month is already over! February is one of my favorite months because of Valentine's Day! Every year Justin and I take a day off around Valentine's Day (this year we're taking the 16th off) to spend the day together.  I enjoy this tradition because we do not run into the craziness of the crowds and get to just enjoy each others company.

So here's what we have going on this month!

On the Agenda this Month:

1. JP's 8th Birthday Party (how is this even possible??)
2. Dermatologist appointment
3. Seeing Finding Neverland with my friend Kim! 
4. My cousin's housewarming party!
5. Getting a facial with my mom (yay for 1/2 off coupons!)
6. Thirty-One Party for my friend, Caroline!
7. Hopefully going to visit my other cousin at her new house

Goals for February

1. Read Two Books: I was able to finish three books in January and would like to keep that momentum going! Right now I am planning to read: Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff because the third book (Obsidio) comes out in March, then I am also planning to read Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick.  The Gemina book is very long 

2. Finish Decorating the Mud Room & Powder Room.  We have purchased all of the supplies to get the mud room and powder room painted/updated but we just have not taken the time to get everything started.  So my goal in February is to take the time to paint and get the bead board up in the space.  I will be sure to share a before and after of the space to you can see what we came up with! 

3. Finish moving boxes from the garage to the basement.  I think we are down to 5 or 6 boxes left in the garage so I am excited that we will be able to get this done and start using the garage to it's full potential! 

4. Get blinds/curtains for the garage and guest bathroom.  Have any of you ordered blinds from Select Blinds before? I have been on their site so many times looking at blinds and I need to just take the time to get the measurements and get the blinds put in the garage and the downstairs bathroom {maybe I'll get lucky and catch them while they're having a sale!!}

Question of the Day: What are your Valentine's Day plans? 

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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