Currently: May 2018

Happy Monday friends! I hope your week has been going well so far and you are looking forward to some fun plans this weekend! Today I am doing another fun round of "currently".  I came across this idea on Becca Door's Blog - you should check her out!

ANTICIPATING:  My 29th birthday is this weekend and I'm looking forward to celebrating with friends and family! I love spending time with people that are important to me so this week is very exciting.  

CLEANING: We've been purging a lot of stuff from our house lately and our focus has been on our closet and dressers.  I have 4 drawers left of clothes to go through then I will move onto our linen closet in our bathroom.  We have too much expired medicine in there taking up space.  

DRINKING: Trying to drink coffee without cream and sugar and I have to admit... it's now awful.  But honestly, there's nothing better than a Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks.  But a cup of black coffee at home is much cheaper than any Starbucks drink.

FEELING: Relaxed.  One thing I have been working on is taking 10-15 minutes for myself every day.  No technology, not distractions (unless I'm reading a book) and just enjoying focusing on myself. 

WATCHING:  Dancing with the Stars has a 4 week season so I've been watching that with my friend Caroline.  We've also been watching the Star Wars movies since I've seen them all but it's been way too long and I get the stories jumbled up often.  

PLAYING: Not really playing any games right now.  This weekend our friends are coming over and we will likely play a few of my favorite board games, but otherwise no gaming for me.

READING: Right now I am reading Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody from my April Owlcrate box and I'm loving it so far! It keeps me on my toes and keeps me consistently engaged.  

RECOVERING: I did not drink enough water this weekend so I am trying to get back on track.  I really hate being dehydrated but sometimes it happens.  So this week I'm aiming for 100oz a day of water.   

TRYING: Now that I am working from home almost every day I have been trying to keep up on our chores.  This includes doing a load of laundry every day, making the bed, general clean up and keeping things in organized.  So far the routine is working but I am tweaking it as I go.  

WEARING: Mostly jean capris and t-shirts.  This time of year the weather bounces around so a good pair of capris is good compromise between jeans and shorts.  Then I layer a t-shirt with a cardigan so I have the ability to take layers off if I get too warm.    

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?
I'd love to hear from you! Starbucks

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