May: Month @ a Glance

Happy May Friends!

Can you believe we are already in May?! Where has the year gone? 

April hit me hard with starting a new job and just generally having a chaotic schedule, but I'm back and ready to get back into the blogging game! May is always a fun {and crazy} month for us between my birthday, Mother's Day and my mom's birthday.  But every year we have fun celebrating with friends and family.

So here's what's on our agenda this month! 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. May the 4th Date Night with Cinco de Pie-o's
2. Check out the Davisburg Antique Festival 
3. Nick's Graduation!
4. My Birthday 
5. Mother's Day with Bocce Ball
6. Meal Train to meet my cousin's new baby girl
7. Mom's 60th Birthday
8. My Grandma Visits!

Goals for May

1. Read Two Books:  I did so awful reading in April I'm afraid.  I managed to read 30 pages of a book and listen to one chapter of another book.  Honestly, April was just an off month for me.  But for May I am ready to hit the ground running and have already started reading Ace of Shades by Amandy Foody.  This book is from my April Owlcrate and so far I love it! 

2. Start Spring Cleaning.  This past weekend I went through my closet and purged a ton of clothes I no longer wear/need.  My goal is to go through our house and purge things we no longer need or use.  This includes areas like the pantry, linen closet and other spaces that accumulate things we never use.  

3. Work on the Garden.  Since we moved into the house we have not put any major landscaping in the yard.  This year I want to spend some time in the garden area planting some perennials and annuals.  We also need to make sure to get our yard maintained this year as we are not good about caring for it.  

4. Finish My Office.  My office is well on it's way to being done, but I still have a few things I would like to do in the space.  For example, I need a little table for the printer and I have several pieces of art I need to hang.  And I need things like a tape dispenser and a stapler.  Thank goodness Amazon has some of those items.  Once I get the space to my ideal place I will be sure to share the finished product! I'm excited about it.  

Question of the Day: What are you planning for your mom for Mother's Day? 

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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