April: Month @ a Glance

Oh hello there! Happy April and happy spring! It's hard to believe we're already in April and 2020 is already 1/4 done.  Since I have found myself under the stay home, stay safe directive from our lovely Gov. Whitmer, I have also found myself with more time to finally come back to blogging.  

Let me tell you all, I have been missing blogging.  I know it is such a simple thing, but I miss connecting with you all and having a place to come and just talk about random things happening in our lives.  And I miss hearing from all of you! 

So let's talk a little bit about the month of April.  Normally April is a busy month for us with Easter and my sister-in-law's birthday, but this year is going to look a little different with the lock down until April 13th.

So here's what's on our agenda this month! 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. My little sister's birthday - send her a card
2. My sister-in-law's birthday - virtual party of some sort
3. Easter Sunday - virtual
4. Spring Cleanup in the Subdivision - social distancing

Goals for April 

1. Read Four Books: I know this is a LOT more than I usually do, but considering I have a ton of time on  my hands, there's no reason I cannot.  Right now I'm planning to read: Great Gatsby,  My Sister's Keeper, Atonement and A Room with a View.  These books are all up next on my Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge list.

2. Organize/Purge our Closet: My closet has needed to be worked through and updated badly for quite some time.  I've noticed that I wear maybe 1/2 of the clothes in there and I have an entire rack of scarves of which I've worn four of in the last year.  So I need to go through and purge my closet of items I no longer wear and sell them or donate them.  I should have plenty of time to go through and list all my items.

3. Prep the garden for Spring.  Now that April is here, I'm looking forward to getting some new planting down in our flower beds.  Last year we expanded the flower bed in front of our house by the porch with the intention of adding more plants this year.  I won't be able to add any plants (unless I can get them mailed) but I can get the beds ready and cleaned out for when the coronavirus decides to make it's departure.  I am also planning to go through and leaf blow our back yard since our oak tree doesn't lose it's leaves until Spring.

Question of the Day: What are you doing to keep yourself busy while you are at home?

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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