May: Month @ a Glance

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Happy first day of May everyone and happy Friday! I cannot believe we are already in May! 2020 is flying by so much more quickly that I thought it would be {which is ironic since we've been home for just shy of two months now}.  

Next to December, May is my second favorite month of the year.  I love May because it's the month that leads up to the summer, houses my birthday, Mother's Day and my mom's birthday.  It also usually is filled with lots of time with friends and family.

This year will look quite a bit different because we will be home for my birthday.  Our state is still under a Stay Home order until May 15th and it's looking like we won't be resuming normal life for a little while.  I have to admit, I'm a bit sad we won't be able to celebrate in person with family and friends, but I also know it's safer for us to just do our thing at home.

So let's talk a little bit about the month of May and the fun things we're going to try and do this month despite being home for the foreseeable future.

On the Agenda this Month:

1. RISE LIVE x Courage:  You all, I am sooooo excited about this event.  I was able to go to the RISExToronto event back in March and it was such a wonderful experience.  I felt like when I got back from the event I didn't get to really dig into everything I had experienced, so this is a chance for me to get a "redo" for the event.  AND I get to do it from my own couch so no risk of germ spread.

2. May the 4th Virtual 5k: This year I signed up to do a virtual 5k! I have been missing doing races, so I thought there would be no better way to ease into running again than doing a quick 5k on my own time.  For more information about the virtual 5k, check out this site.

3. Mother's Day: Normally for Mother's Day we take both of our mom's to a wonderful brunch at a local bocce place, but with restaurants closed, we are not going to be able to do that this year.  Right now the plan is to either: a. get take out and take it to the mom's so they have a nice lunch/dinner with flowers and a card OR b. make the mom's a meal and take it over to their house so they don't have to cook.  I'd like to say that we'd be spending meals with our moms, but I'm not sure what will happen with everything that is going on.

4. My Birthday: Right now the plan is to get takeout {chinese or hibachi} and watch a movie at home.  There's not a ton of big things we can do this year so I'm just aiming to have a relaxing day at home.

5. Mom's Birthday: I am not quite sure what we will be doing for mom's birthday just yet, but I am sure we will be doing something.  

Goals for May:

1. Read Two Books: Last month I challenged myself to four books and it was way too much.  I don't think I finished one book fully, to be honest.  I'm majority of the way done with 2 of the books from last month {Great Gatsby & A Room with a View} so my plan is to finish those two and read another two.  I binge watched Little Fires Everywhere, so of course I had to get the book to read.  I'm also planning to read Big Little Lies as well.  

2. Finish Updating Justin's Office: Last month Justin ordered a new sit/stand desk which catapulted into us completely redoing his office.  Right now, he has finished trimming the window, painting the office and getting this desk setup.  However, he's nowhere near to being done.  My goal is to get the space set up {and his stuff out of my office} by the end of May.

3. Prep the garden for Spring.  My intent was to get this done in April, but since Mother Nature had other plans and snowed on and off for the entire month of April, I'm pushing this into May. Last year we expanded the flower bed in front of our house by the porch with the intention of adding more plants this year.  I did, however, manage to leaf blow our back yard on only really nice day we had in April. 

Question of the Day: What are you doing to keep yourself busy while you are at home?

Share your responses below in the comments! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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