tuesday things {05.05.2020}

Happy Tuesday everyone and Happy Cinco de Mayo! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and your week is off to a good start.  For me Tuesdays are usually my least favorite day of the week.  I know everyone dreads Monday's, but Tuesday's just always feel so much worse to me.  Ya know?

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  Today is not going to be a themed one like my last Tuesday Things; rather, it will just be some fun things that have been going on in our lives the last few weeks.

1. While it is almost summer, I am SUPER excited about my Love Your Melon beanie that just came in the mail! If you are familiar with the Mandalorian, then you will understand my excitement.  I ordered this back in February when they had them available and have been anxiously awaiting its arrival.  Too bad it didn't come last month when we were still getting snow every few days in Michigan.  The beanie is a light green color and has Baby Yoda on the label.  I cannot wait to put this hat to good use in the winter (or maybe sooner if we have another temperature drop).

2. I made s'mores in the air fryer a few days ago and let me tell you they were so stinking good! I had a little trial and error as the air fryer kept blowing things around, but once I found the sweet spot, they were golden.  If you have not tried an air fryer out yet, I highly recommend the Ninja Foodie! We got it around Christmas time (with our Kohl's cash) and use it at least 3-4 times a week.  I even figured out how to make grilled cheese in there last week and it was amazing.  I like the Foodie because it is not just an air fryer - we can use it for grilling, air frying and dehydrating.  

Quick Tip: Making s'mores in the air fryer:

Preheat to 340 degrees (or somewhere near that)
Place graham cracker with marshmallow on top in the basket
Cook for 3-4 minutes.  Mine cooked for 4 and maybe could have gone just a smidge longer.  Just keep an eye on it while cooking to make sure it doesn't burn {unless you like a roasty, toasty marshmallow}

3. The weather is actually decent in Michigan today, so I am planning to have margaritas with my neighbor in honor of Cinco de Mayo! Of course, we are still practicing social distancing by staying 6 feet apart, but it's nice to have a friend to have a drink with in honor of the holiday.  I am also planning to decorate Cinco de Mayo cookies from C is for Cookie.  For those local to me, you have to check her out! She has the cutest little kits and for $15, it's always a fun activity.  Unfortunately, she cannot ship so sorry to those not close by.

4. We have some foster kittens (or visitors as I like to call them) staying with us and they are SO cute.  I started fostering around this time last year and it has added so much joy (and sometimes sorrow) to my life.  These two kittens came from the same colony and were originally suspected to be from the same litter; however, based on their weights and general look I'm thinking that they are not from the same litter.  

Everyone, meet Dynamite or Dyna for short (left) and Gwenny (right).  These girls will be hanging out with us until they are big enough to go to their forever homes.  That AND we have the ability to safely do an adoption event.

One of these days I need to do a post about all of the foster kittens we've had over the past year... maybe I'll do it on our one year anniversary since fostering.

5. One of the fun things that has come from being at home is all of the cute and creative ideas that I keep seeing all over my facebook.  I think my favorite thing I have come across is people crocheting mini couches for the kitties to relax on.  Of course, I had to share on my personal Facebook page, but I wanted to share it with you all too! Check out this post on Bored Panda with tons of examples of kitties sitting on little crocheted couches.  Isn't it just the cutest?

Well that is all that I have for today! What things do you have going on in your corner of the world this Cinco de Mayo?

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