tuesday things {8.18.2020}


Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope your week is off to a great start and you are looking forward to the week ahead.  This weekend we have a wedding to go to - don't worry, it's an small, outdoor wedding.  I cannot wait to see my cousin marry her best friend.

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  This week will be a focused Tuesday Things post.  Instead of doing something random, I thought I would share a few goals I have for myself between now and the end of the year.  Do you set goals for yourself? Or are you more of a New Years resolutions type of person? With COVID, I haven't achieved a single thing I thought I would so I figured now is as good of time as any to reset and recharge my goals.

1.  Hit my century ride {100 rides} on my Peloton bike! Justin got me the Peloton for my birthday last year and I had this grand plan that I would hit 100 rides by the end of the first 6 months I had the bike... yet here we are almost 18 months later and I still haven't hit that goal.  My goal now is to hit my century ride by 12/31/2020.  This requires me to ride the bike at least every other day from now until December.  So far I'm 3 rides in, but I can do it! Thinking about trying Peloton? Use my code and get $100 your purchase of accessories! My code is 6PEJSV.

2. Complete (1) one Start Today Journal.  If you know me, then you know I am a huge fan of Rachel and Dave Hollis (or The Hollis Co.).  One of the things that they teach is the importance of speaking your goals into the universe and interacting with them every.single.day.  One of the ways that Rachel does this is through gratitude journaling and goal tracking in a journal, so of course she made a consumable version of her journaling for everyone.  Want to know a little bit more about the journal? Check out this video.  Want to purchase your own? Check out this one at Target.  I'm pretty sure she's planning a Fall launch too, but I haven't seen anything yet. I have started and 1/2 finished at least 2 journals (I think) and enough is enough.  My goal is to finish one journal from start to finish within 100 days.  So far I'm 5 days in.  Only 85 to go.

3. Pay off ALL of our credit card debt.  In September 2018, Justin and I set out to tackle our large amount of credit card debt that we had accrued over the years.  We had purchased a house and had all these dreams of things we'd like to do in our house, but just could not justify adding more debt to our pile.  So as a result, we set out to pay it all off.  Originally we had thought that we would have it all done by 12/31/2019, but due to some decisions we made, we are still paying off the debt, but if I am correct we can have ALL of our credit card debt tackled by the end of this year (or at least January 31st 2021).  Once that is done we will pay off my student loans (which don't have much left).  It will be such a freeing feeling when we pay off the debt.  Plus it will free us up to be able to do some fun things around our house and finally get Justin a new car.

4. Get a perfect month on my Apple Watch. This is something that I will not be able to do this month because of the fact that I started in the middle of the month, but I have a goal to get a perfect month on my Apple watch.  This means I would close my stand, exercise and move ring every single day for an entire month.  I have never actually completed this goal, but I intend to hit it by the end of this year! 

5. Lose 90 pounds. This one is not a goal that I have any intention of hitting by the end of 2020.  My focus is to eat smaller portions, more lean protein and fruits and veggies and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.  As time goes on, I should naturally lose weight.  By doing this I should be able to lose 90 pounds in a year, but I want to make sure that no matter what I am always being healthy.  At no point will the scale be the main focus for my health.  While it is a very important part of health, it's not the only thing.  Right now the goal is to lose 12 pounds by the end of the year which is around 1 pound a week.

I have other goals that I am working toward right now as well, but for the sake of the post length, I will just keep them for myself today.  I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday and week!

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