tuesday things {05.11.2021}


Happy Tuesday everybody! I hope your week is off to a great start and you had a lovely time this Mother's Day.  We did something small to celebrate our mothers this year. 

Today I wanted to share another round of Tuesday Things with you all.  This week I thought it would be fun to share my top 5 places on my travel bucket list. 

1.  Iceland.  Iceland has been on my list for a few years.  We were going to try to go in 2019, but timing/scheduled/budgets just didn't line up so we ended up pushing it out.  My biggest tourist-y things I'd like to do include: Blue Lagoon, northern lights and see the puffins.  If you didn't know, puffins migrate to Iceland every summer and they're just so cute.  Eeek. 

2. Ireland. When I did the 23 & Me test a few years ago, I found out that majority of my heritage is from British and Irish.  This was not surprising to me at all considering I'm very fair skinned, have red undertones in my hair and have freckles; however, my love for Ireland started a long time ago and I've been dreaming of the Cliffs of Moher, pubs in Dublin and the rolling hills.

3. Norway.  This one is a bit specific, but we have a friend that lives in Norway and we've chatted quite a few times about going over to visit her.  Every time I see one of her snapchats, I daydream about walking around in Norway and just seeing all the beautiful sights in Norway.  

4. Seattle, Washington. Seattle is on our list of places to visit because of one of the conventions Justin wants to go to.  I, personally, just want to visit because it looks pretty and the town just seems so laid back and chill overall.  

5. Colorado.  I'm not a huge skiier, but I do love beautiful mountains and being outside in the cold.  There is just something so romantic being all cozied up by the fire and looking out the window at falling snow.  If we did go to Colorado, I'd have to give skiing a try again since it's been a long time since I last gave it a shot. 

Well that's everything I have for this week! What places would you travel to if you could? 
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday and week!

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