Happy Friday everybody! I hope you are looking forward to a fun and long weekend ahead! I am heading to the west side of the state to celebrate my friend's last fling before the ring. It will be a fun and relaxing weekend.
Today I wanted to share a new series I am starting called: On My Wish List! The purpose of this series is to share some fun {and random}things that I have come across the past month and have added to my wish list. Often times these come from Facebook/Instagram ads or just general browsing online. .
Today I wanted to share a new series I am starting called: On My Wish List! The purpose of this series is to share some fun {and random}things that I have come across the past month and have added to my wish list. Often times these come from Facebook/Instagram ads or just general browsing online. .
Before I get started, I want to make sure you know that the links provided may be affiliate links which means I could potentially receive an affiliate commission if you click the link or purchase the item. Not all links below will be affiliate links, but I want to be transparent with you all before we get started.
1. This tie dye hoodie from Amazon. I have been eying this super fun and bright hoodie on Amazon for a little while now and I really want it. However, I already have a ton of hoodies so I am not sure I really need to add another hoodie to the collection. All I do know is I am loving tie dye lately and want to tie dye all the things.
2. This one is a bit random, but I am looking for a chair for my office and found this one on Amazon. I think I'm going to get it with a few gift cards I got for my birthday. I love the mid-century modern look, so I am super excited to see how it looks in my office. I also think I am going to get some fun pillows that match the green wall in my office or maybe some leather pillows to add some variety to the space. The other option would be to get a green blanket and do the leather pillows so I can have some more variety. I have no idea what the plan is yet, but I think I will start with the chair.
3. This super adorable kitty cardigan is also on my list! Not only do I love cardigans, but I love cats {if you didn't already know}, so of course this one is on my list because it is so stinking cute. It's starting to get a bit warm for heavier cardigans, but I would LOVE to have this in the fall - especially if we end up going back to the office soon.
4. So a while ago I was spending my time wisely watching Tik Toks and came across this account with this adorable robot. She had painted it to look like Wall-E and it had the funniest little personality. I have absolutely NO need for this little robot, but all of the videos were so entertaining. If you're looking for a fun little robot that you can program and has a fun personality, I'd recommend checking it out.
5. This one is for all the pet lovers out there. In the hunt to find some cute options of gifts for my birthday, I came across these super fun necklaces where you can put your pets name and face on them. I love the idea of having jewelry that has my kitties faces on them, so I am thinking about getting 3 of them and potentially wearing all three. I am also debating asking if the Etsy shop has the ability to put 3 different faces on one bar. We will see!
That's a few things I have on my wish list! Of course, there are more things that I have my eye on, but I thought I would share a few here just to give you some ideas or inspiration for gifts. I hope you all had a wonderful week and have an excellent weekend!
Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.
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