On My Wish List: October 2021


Happy Friday everybody! I hope your work week is ending well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead.  Justin and I are off work today to spend the day celebrating our 10th anniversary.  I'm sure I'm getting repetitive, but I am so excited for our anniversary. 

Today I am doing another round of the series: On My Wish List! The purpose of this series is to share some fun{and random}things that I have come across the past month and have added to my wish list.  Often times these come from Facebook/Instagram ads or just general browsing online.

Before I get started, I want to make sure you know that the links provided may be affiliate links which means I could potentially receive an affiliate commission if you click the link or purchase the item.  Not all links below will be affiliate links, but I want to be transparent with you all before we get started. 

1. Oodie Blanket Hoodie in the Cat Pattern.  I love all things comfy cozy so of course this made it onto my wish list for this year.  What's better than a nice warm blanket? Why not a blanket that you can wear and have snuggle up in the hood?

2.  Stainless Steel Colanders.  I have a very nice colander that was given to us at our wedding, but it feels like it's always dirty so I thought why not get a few more? I love that this one has three different sizes to choose from and are a bit heartier so they should last a very long time.

3. This adorable sweater.  This sweater came up when I was making my way through ideas for posts in my Facebook Group and new I needed to add it to my wish list.  It comes in a bunch of colors and combinations and I kind of want every one.  But I think I'll start with this one first and see where I go from there.  

4. Leopard Moccasin Slippers.  I have these slippers in a few other colors and I love them so much.  They are on sale right now on the J. Crew website, so I'm thinking I'll get a few more because I wear them every single day when I am working at home.  Honestly, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit how gross my current pairs are. 

5. 100 Dates Scratch off Poster.  I love the idea of having 100 different date ideas for us to try and thought this could be a fun idea.  There are several different options out there of scratch off posters so I'll be doing a little more research, but right now this is the cutest one I have seen so far.

That's a few things I have on my wish list! Of course, there are more things that I have my eye on, but I thought I would share a few here just to give you some ideas or inspiration.  I hope you all had a wonderful week and have an excellent weekend!

Disclosure: Some of the links in the post above are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. Read my full disclosure policy here.

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