Hello and happy Friday friends! I hope you had a wonderful week and you're looking forward to a long weekend ahead.  We will be heading to the Upper Peninsula this weekend and I'm so excited.  I love going up there and getting away for the weekend. 

If you've been around since the beginning of the year, then you know I created a goals list for myself this year and will be posting monthly update to keep myself accountable.  Well I also have created a goals list for our house this year.  The idea is to make a concentrated list of things that I wanted to accomplish in our home this year then prioritize them.  Some of the items are small - like organizing closets or purging areas and others are like updating things in the kitchen.  But overall they're things I'd like to get done this year (or even into next year).  To help keep it organized, I've gone room by room and list all of the things I want to accomplish.  

Today's post is focusing on a quarterly (kind of - more like second and a half quarter) update of the things so far that we have accomplished around the house.  I'll go room by room like the initial post and share what we have/have not been able to accomplish. 

Living Room

In 2021, we made a few small updates to the living room that brought it closer to what I was envisioning for the space.  Justin made me a picture ledge on which I store a bunch of fun photos.  I love it and love that I can make changes to the pictures for holidays and seasons.  Such a fun addition to our living room. 

In 2022, I'd really like to do the following things:

I have a vision of adding built in shelves in our living room to add more storage and make the space feel more sophisticated - done
See the update here: House Goals Quarterly Update
I'd also like to frame out the windows like we did in our bedrooms - done
See the update here: House Goals Quarterly Update

Kitchen/Breakfast Nook/Dining Room

The big heavy hitter is to get the back splash put up.  
I know exactly what back splash we want for our kitchen, but we have not been able to start this process because there is an issue with our window in the kitchen.  The framing is a bit warped and we are not able to open the window.  Given that it's the only window in our kitchen, we need to get this fixed.  I am happy to share that I've got a warranty claim filed with the window company, so right now we're in the waiting process for them to come and look at and potentially fix the windows in the house {since it's more than just the kitchen window}. 

In the kitchen and dining room we need to frame out the windows just like the windows in the living room.   
After another conversation with Justin about the windows, we've decided that we would still be framing out the window.  However, the dining room will not be getting framed out as our chair rail would cause an issue.  I have also gotten a quote to add a ledge to the window so now all I need to do is get the window fixed so we can keep moving forward.  Adding the blinds will also need to come after the window as fixed.

In the breakfast nook and dining room we have different rugs and I'd really like to replace them {and the runner in the hallway} to be all matching rugs.
I mentioned last time that I found rugs at Ruggable that I really liked and I still really like them. However, they are expensive and the budget just isn't there right this minute.  I've got a plan in place on how I can save up for them and still aim to replace them by the end of the year.  

Go through the cabinets and purge things we no longer need/use.  
Over the last month I have been going to TOWN on our cabinets and drawers organizing and purging things we do not need.  I've been loving organizing Tik Tok and started sharing some of my videos over on my page.  Check them out here

NEW GOAL: Redo the pantry
I'm adding this to the list because it's something we've really been discussing the last few weeks.  I really hate how our pantry is laid out and feel like it is just so ugly.  After doing a ton of research and figuring out everything that we'd need, we have landed on a plan for the space and I am excited.  Next steps will be to clean out the whole pantry, patch and paint walls then start putting everything back together.  I'm hoping we can get this started in the next month or so. 


Tossing/Donating/Selling and Organizing
Oh boy.  Let me tell you, we did not do anything in the garage.  I was able to sell off one of the items in the garage to a teacher friend, but other than that we've done nothing.  Earlier this year it was too cold, now it's too hot.  I just need to pick a weekend and work on it with Justin.  

Add blinds and baseboards
Like I said above, this project hasn't been started yet but these will depend on us getting the garage cleaned out and organized.  I know what type of blinds I want and I know what type of baseboards, I just need to get around to ordering them so they're ready once we're ready to put them up.  

Bedrooms/Laundry Room

I'd like to move my bike from our bedroom to the guest bedroom - done
I moved the bike back in February and it is amazing how much more open our bedroom feels without my bike in that space.

Get some fresh plants to spruce up the spaces - done
Since the beginning of the year I think I've added a total of 10 plants to our house? I've been really enjoying having plants around and have finally found a few that I can keep alive.  It's amazing how much of a difference they make in our space.  

Laundry Room
Okay good news - I know what I want to do here.  Think natural wood tones and greens.  Bad news - it's another project I need to budget for and to be honest it's lower on my list.  But I know what I want to do and have a plan to execute it!


Finish cleaning the basement
We have not had time to get around to finishing organizing the space in the basement.  We didn't have a lot on our agenda, but we also just were not motivated.  It's a bit difficult because it's a space we do not access frequently. 

Put up blinds and camera
Since we're getting the deck this month, I have already purchased a camera for the deck.  I actually think I'll need two cameras - one on top of the deck and one by the walkout.  For the blinds I really just need to measure the windows and get them ordered.  I also think we need to caulk around the windows again as the bugs tend to come in through the windows and the sliding door (or doorwall if you're from Michigan).  


Add a deck - in process
By the time this post goes live, I should have a brand new deck.  The estimated date was mid-August so fingers crossed they are able to keep to that timeline.  I'll be sure to share in my next quarterly update.   

Address the landscaping - done
In July we had a landscaping company come out and install all new landscaping AND they tried a few things to help with the flooding issue we have in the front yard.  I am so happy with how everything has turned out and have been actively watering the plants to keep them alive since it's been so very hot here the last month or so.  We will be adding a few things in the Fall and Spring next year to keep filling up the space, but overall I am so very happy with how it turned out.  


In 2022, we need to contact our original window installers because they are bowing, cracking and generally not working very well.  
I already mentioned this above, but I contacted them earlier in March to submit a warranty claim.  Right now we are just waiting for them to reach out and discuss the next steps on getting the windows fixed.  This really is the next biggest project as it is putting our kitchen work on hold. 

This is a big stretch goal and likely won't happen in 2022, but I'd really like to replace the carpeting in our house.  
I'm not sure if this will be happening in 2022.  I will likely hire out a cleaning company to clean our carpeting and then next year we will look to get our carpets replaced.  The biggest expense this year will be our deck. 

NEW GOAL: Change all the "boob" lights out - in process
We started changing out all the lights in our house.  When we bought our house all the lights were boob lights - meaning when you look at them they look like a boob.  I really do not like the way they look and to be quite honest, they do not let off a lot of light.  We went ahead and replaced them with these super cool lights I found while browsing TikTok.  They are LED lights that can either be regular or night lights.  Home Depot had them and I'm in love.  Check them out here: Color Selectable LED Flush Mount with Night Light Feature.  We changed all of the hall lights out, but there are a few places we still need to make a change (like the laundry room and our closet).

Well that is my recap of our house goals quarterly update.  The next time around, I will be sharing what we were able to accomplish between now and the end of June.  

If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around. I'm excited to see what 2022 will bring for us and for you all!


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