Blogmas Day 9: Letter to Santa {12.09.2021}


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Happy Thursday Friends! I hope your week has been going well and you are looking forward to a fun weekend ahead.  We are having a small get together with our friends to celebrate Christmas.  I'm excited to give my friends their gifts and decorate some cute ginger bread houses.

For today's blogmas post, I thought it would be fun to write a letter to Santa.  Obviously I'm a grown adult, but I thought it could be fun to do my own version of a Santa Letter and post it on the blog.  My letter will be all the things I am asking for Christmas and all the things which I am thankful for this month.  


Dear Santa,

My name is Jackie and I am 32 years old.  I have been mostly nice this year, but there were a few times I was naughty.  I hope that doesn't put me on the naughty list.  2021 has been a very difficult and very exciting year between family contracting COVID and my two best friends marrying their best friends.  I am so thankful that we are ending 2021 with all of our family healthy and in good spirits.

This year for Christmas I am asking for the gift of time.  More time with my family, more time with friends and more time to work on myself.  We have been working hard in 2021 to minimize our clutter, so I am asking for my loved ones to come up with fun and creative ideas of things that we can do together that does not consist of me adding more items to our house.  I am also asking for continued health and well-being for all of my loved ones.  I am so thankful that overall we have all remained healthy and without long-lasting side effects.

I know it's a big ask for me to want time and health, but those are the two most precious commodities that I am unable to replace once they are gone.  So if you could please bring us more time and well-being I would be so grateful. My only other ask is that for those that are lonely that they would feel loved.  May the know joy and love throughout the holidays and well into next year.

Thank you for considering my wishes this year.  Safe travels as you deliver gifts to all the wonderful children.



Well that is everything for today! I hope you enjoyed my little letter to Santa.  Did you write a letter to Santa yourself or did you help your kiddos write a letter? Let me know in the comments below what fun things you/they asked for this year.

Come back tomorrow for day 10 of Blogmas! Hard to believe we're almost half way done already!

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