Health Goals
Exercise: In January, I am happy to report that I was able to exercise 15 days this month. My goal was to exercise for thirty minutes a day so I did not hit my goal. However, I am happy to report that I have been able to close all three rings on my Apple Watch every day this month. Which means between my movement every day I was able to complete a total of 30 minutes of exercise
Water: I am happy to report that I drink 80+ ounces of water every. single. day this month. It is crazy how much better I feel overall just drinking 80 or more ounces of water every day. I've noticed I need to slow my water intake down after 8pm or I end up needing to use the bathroom during the night. So over the past month I've made small adjustments to figure out the best time of the day for me to drink the most water.
Fueling my Body: In regards to fueling my body, we ate out for lunch or dinner way more than I wanted to which made it more difficult for me to eat a healthier diet. When we did do takeout, I tried to order less food or order a healthier option. Next month I am planning to try and not eat out more than 1-2 times a week for dinner and once a week for lunch. We will see how that goes, but I'm sure our budget will thank us for that.
Mental Health: My mental health continues to improve every day. In January I met with my counselor for my monthly appointment, made sure to take my medicine every day and continued working on communicating my needs to those around me. It's like a muscle, the more I do this, the better I start to feel.
Wealth Goals
Here are the three wealth goals I gave for myself this year:
- Pay off all credit cards again (which should be no problem as it wasn't a lot in the first place).
- Finally pay off my student loans.
- Pay off my car.
In January we managed to pay off $2000 of our credit card debt. That made a big dent in what we owed to those cards. The good news is we have a few cards with little to no interest on them, so we can hit the bigger interest rate cards first. Ideally, both of those will be paid off by the end of February.
Because my student loans are still paused from COVID, we allocated more money to the cards versus putting any money there. I'm totally okay with that as we still have 11 more months to tackle my loans.
We also made a double payment on my car this month so at this rate we should have my car paid off by May at the very latest. This is perfect timing because we are looking to get Justin a new car in April/May time frame.
At this time, we have not put any money toward our 6-month emergency fund, but that is to be expected as we would not have paid all the debt off first.
Personal Goals
Goals for myself
Read 40 Books in 2022: I am excited because this month I was able to read three books! As part of my goal, I've decided to do a monthly book recap which will be posted on the third of every month so come back on Thursday to see which books I read and my thoughts! I am so happy that I've been sticking to reading because it does truly make me happy.
Skin Care: I started January off strong with doing two consecutive weeks of daily skin care in the morning and at night, then sometime after that I went all over the place. Overall, I washed/moisturized two times a day for 20 days this month. Some days I didn't do it at all and others I only did it once during that day. Getting myself back on track in February. I am happy to report that I did do my face scrub 2-3 times a week this month. I really love doing the scrub so that was not hard for me to keep up with.
Blog Posts: If you've been keeping up with the blog, then you have read the 15 posts I did this month. I am super excited about all the posts I did this month and I am excited about all of the posts I have planned in February.
Instagram Growth: My goal for 2022 was to have 500+ followers on Instagram and post 4-5 times a week. I started the year with 319 follows on Instagram and as of this post I have 322 followers. I also posted 16 times this month which is a little bit behind my goal but I'm happy with the posts I did. I'm working to not just post for the sake of posting, but sharing little snippets of my life with my followers. If you want to follow me on Instagram, check me out here:
Cleaning/House Maintenance: Cleaning was actually pretty easy for me this month. Work was on the slower side so I was able to keep up with everything pretty well this month! I also managed to organize my armoire (Justin did his dresser), the linen closet, and a few other small areas around the house. We still need to finish the basement, but we decided to jump into another project first.
Business Goals
Here are the goals I set up for 2022:- Have 500 members in the group: As of today, I have 105 members in the group. 100 members was my first big goal for the group, so I was very excited to hit that many members this month! I'm 1/5 of the way to my goal for 2022.
- Earn $300 total: January was a bit slower than most months (not surprising at all), so I made $11.94 this month (as of 1/30). It's a little less than I was hoping for the month; however, I knew January could be rough and I'm happy that I broke $10.
- Expand my offerings for deals: This month I did research on other opportunities of deals that I could share with members in the group. At this time, I do not qualify for the affiliate program I have my eye on, but I've begun taking the steps in the right direction.
If you're interested in joining the group, check it out here: Shop with Me, Jackabee. Every month I do a giveaway for those that participate and as we hit new member goals I will be doing giveaways as well.
Well that is everything for today! Do you have any goals for 2022? If so share them here in the comments or over on my Facebook Page.

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