February: Month @ a Glance {01.31.2022}

Hello and happy February everyone! I am struggling to believe that we've already completed our first month of 2022.  It feels like I was just writing this post for January yesterday.  It's kind of crazy.  This month I am excited because we have a few fun things planned but we also won't be so busy that it's painful. 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Facials with my mom.  For Christmas, my mom got me a gift card to get a facial at our local salon and we're going on Friday to get our facials done.  I am excited to have a little pampering and for my skin to be glowing and less dry.

2. Birthday dinner for a friend.  One of my best friends turns 30 this month and we're going out to a small dinner for her.  It's at one of my favorite restaurants, so I am excited to be able to go there and to celebrate her birthday.  

3. Couple doctor appointment.  This month I will be heading to the hematologist for a follow up and to my allergies for my 6-month appointment.  Last year I was having a weird issue with my platelets, so the hematologist appointment is to just make sure that my numbers are staying stable.  The allergist is just more of a maintenance appointment.

4. Galentine's Brunch with my girlfriends.  I am excited because I am hosting a small potluck brunch with some of my girlfriends for Valentine's Day.  We're going to get together and make a delicious brunch, have some mimosas and spend some much needed time together.  It's even more exciting because Sarah will actually be home so we will all be together for the first time in a long-while.

5. Philadelphia for the weekend.  For Valentine's Day Justin and I will be heading to Philadelphia to go to the Harry Potter Exhibition at The Franklin Institute.  I'm excited to get away for the weekend and spend some much needed time away.  We both love road tripping so this will be fun.  

Goals for February

1. Read three books: Ideally I'd like to read more than three, but we will see how the month goes!

2. Finish cleaning out the basement.  We made a TON of progress in our basement over the last few months to the point that we are almost done with organizing/cleaning it up.  There are a few areas which still need a little bit more work, but I do not think it will take too much work to finish it up.  The goal is to get that finished in January.

3. Finish the living room.  We started working on built ins for the living room last weekend and I am so excited with the progress, I cannot wait to get them finished so my goal is to finish them in the next few weeks before we go out of town.  

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope your year is off to a great start.  

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in February?

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