Galentine's Day Recap {02.21.22}

Hello and happy Monday friends! I hope you had the most wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a fun week ahead. This week is going to be a bit crazy with three appointments on my plate, but all of them are important and necessary appointments so it will be fun to go to them all.

For today's post, I thought I would share a little recap of the Galentine's Day Brunch I had with my girlfriends last weekend.  This year we decided to do a little potluck brunch filled with delicious food and wonderful company. It ended up working out so well because Sarah was visiting Michigan so we were all able to get together for the first time since June of last year.

For Galentine's Day, then plan was to do a potluck brunch where everyone brought something to share.  We ended up having scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, heart shaped waffles and a french toast casserole and everything was SO delicious.  

Since it was our first time getting together to do a Galentine's Day get together, I thought it would be fun to do little goodie bags for the girls.  It was a lot of fun coming up with cute and creative gifts that wouldn't break the bank {since I had to put 6 of them together}.  I ended up doing heart shaped straws, heart shaped glasses, candy hearts, Dove chocolates and heart shaped Reese's.  Of course I had to get a cute bag to put them all in and I ended up with a few extra bags which I used for my Valentine's Day gift for Justin. 

To shop the items I bought, check out the links below:

I also made sure to put up some fun and cute decorations around the house so that it would feel very festive.  I found a cute banner that said Happy Galentine's Day which included an adorable heart banner.  I also made sure to have some photo props available in case anyone wanted to do a mini photo shoot.  I'm a sucker for a cute prop and loved that the ones I found were all themed around Galentine's Day specifically.

Once everyone had their fill of delicious food and mimosas, we all sat around and hung out and made sure to grab a few photos of us all together! It was so nice to spend some much needed quality time with my girlfriends that I do not get to see nearly as often as I'd like! I'm excited because we have already planned a St. Patrick's Day brunch in March and I am so happy we're going to be getting together to again.  Unfortunately, we won't all be together, but most of us will be in attendance. 

Well that is everything for today's post! I have a bunch of posts planned for the week, so be sure to come back and check out everything going on this week.  

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