Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week has been going well and you're getting ready for a fun weekend ahead. We have some friends coming in town for the weekend and I am looking forward to spending some quality time with them.
For today's post I thought it would be fun to share a quick review of the books I started in March and share the books I have on my agenda the month of April. If you've been keeping up, then you know I have a goal to read 40 books this year which is about 3.5 books every month. March was a bit of a struggle and I did not finish any books. However, I did start 2 books so I thought I would share which ones I started and the reviews for both of them will be shared in the April recap next month! In order for me to get back on track I would need to read 7 books in April. I'm not sure that will be happening, but I will for sure try. So here's the books I started in March.
I picked this book up on a whim because I had heard so many good things about her other book "The People You Meet on Vacation". So far I am really enjoying the story. It is set in Michigan so a lot of the references shared are something I can easily relate to. The only issue I have is at times the book can be a little bit slow.
So based on that, I would give this a 3.5/5 so far. I'll be sure to give a formal rating once I've finished reading the entire book. I have a feeling it will pick up shortly based on where I am in the story.
When I read The Wedding Date this year I really enjoyed the storyline and was excited when I discovered there are more books Jasmine Guillory has written. What I like so far about this book is the fact that the characters from the first book are in this story, but they're not the main characters. So you get to know more about other characters in the books.
So far I would give this a 4/5. I really like the storyline and love how sarcastic the main character is. I'll give my final review next month after I've had a chance to finish this book.
Well that is all for my reviews this month! Have you read any of these books? If so, I'd love to hear what you thought and get your feedback. 

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