Hello and happy Tuesday friends! Today I am doing another round of Tuesday Things! For today's post I am going to just share a few random things from the past week:
1. We had a fun weekend filled with friends and I loved every minute of it. I am so glad we are to the point where we can get together with friends without feeling afraid of getting sick. Michigan's cases are way down so I'm really looking forward to the summer months when it gets warmer and we can do things outside.
2. April Fool's Day brought snow to our house and I was so sad. I am so ready for warmer weather where I can get outside and not freeze my tush off. I've been getting a little restless of being in the house so I cannot wait.
3. I have my eye on this baking set from Caraway. I love that everything matches and it comes with the organization sleeves. It's a bit pricier than I want to spend right now, but I would love to replace all of our baking stuff as it is over 10 years old and is in rough shape. Why can't we have anniversary parties where people replace our stuff for us?
4. We went and picked out our design for our deck last week and I am excited. We had a few options we liked so we're waiting for them to requote the totals with the new items and then we will make a decision about which one we want more. I'm leaning toward one more than the other, but it will really depend on how much more money it would cost.
5. I have become obsessed with Airheads recently and it's so funny. I have always loved Airheads, but for some reason they are my go to sugary snack right now. Anyone else have a snack that they forgot about then all of a sudden it's your go to snack?
Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

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