Happy Thursday friends! I hope your week is going well and you're looking forward to a fun weekend ahead. Weather permitting I will be heading to a little pool party with my friends and potentially going up to my brother's house on Sunday.
For today's post I thought it would be fun to share a quick review of the books I started/finished in May/June/July. I ended up taking the month of July off most social media to reflect and decompress from the chaos of social media which resulted in me not posting very much on the blog as well. So I am catching up on the last three months of book posts today!
If you've been keeping up, then you know I have a goal to read 40 books this year which is about 3.5 books every month. I am sad to report that I am no where near my goal of 40 books (because by now I should have read at least 21 books), but I am happy to report I finished two books the last three months and I am almost done with another. In order for me to catch up on my "schedule", I will need to read 10 books in the month of August. Let's be realistic, that is not happening. But I will do my best to have some new books to review for you in my recap next month.
It took me a long time to finish reading this book for no other reason other than I was not motivated to read. The book itself is very good and it is something I think I will go back to in the future as I was maybe not quite in the right head space to be reading this type of book. That being said, if you have not read this book before, I would recommend checking it out. It's very empowering, especially in the climate we're living in in today's world.
Taking into consideration my negative head space, I think I would give this a 4/5 star rating. This could change when I go back and read the book again in the future.
I know I am horribly late to the train on this book, but OH my gosh did I really enjoy listening to it. I started it after the advertisements started popping up for the movie and I was immediately hooked. And oh my gosh the ending was just so good. It was so good that my mom read the entire book in ONE day. I was so surprised.
I would definitely give this a 5/5 star rating. So good from beginning to end.
I am almost done reading this book and so far I am really loving it. Another one of those books where the advertisement caught my attention and I thought I should probably read the book before I went to see the movie and I am glad to say I really enjoyed the book. It's a period piece, and to be honest, a little predictable but I still really enjoyed the book.
I think overall I'd give this one a 4.5/5 starts. It's a fun read that keeps your attention, but not something you have to keep critically thinking on while reading/listening to the book.
Well that is all for my reviews this month! Have you read any of these books? If so, I'd love to hear what you thought and get your feedback. 

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