November: Month @ a Glance {10.31.22

Happy Monday and Happy Halloween friends! I'm doing my month at a glance post a little early today since tomorrow is my normal Tuesday Things post.  That being said, how are we in November? I feel like I'm always shocked at how quickly each month goes by, but here we are.  November is always a fun month with Thanksgiving and ramping up for the holidays.  

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Brunch with my friend. I'm excited because I'm starting the month heading out to brunch with one of my favorite people.  She's been a bit crazy busy lately so I'm excited to be able to get together with her and just catch up.

2. Visit to Morgantown, W.V. I'm excited because Justin and I are doing a quick trip to West Virginia for a Keyboard Meetup. He has been really into building keyboards lately, so it will be nice to go and meet a bunch of people that have the same passion as him.  Plus, we will be visiting a few friends while we are passing through Ohio.  It will be super nice to just get away right before the chaos of the holidays.

3. Annual Friendsgiving.  Of course, November is not November without our annual Friendsgiving dinner.  I'm looking to getting together with everyone and just relaxing together.  

4. Thanksgiving Festivities. This year is Justin's family's year so we will be spending actual Thanksgiving at his parents house.  Then the Saturday after Thanksgiving we will be going to my parents house for Thanksgiving with my family.  It will be nice to hang out with my brother and sister-in-law and my brand new niece.

5. Christmas tree shopping. Christmas tree shopping is one of my favorite annual traditions we have with Justin's family and we've been going the Sunday after Thanksgiving the last few years.  It's nice because then we have our tree for longer.  

Goals for November:

1. Finish one book.  I think I have 5-6 books I've been looking at finishing and I'm hoping to get one of them finished before the end of the month.  But let's be honest, I probably won't get one done... LOL.

2. Clean the basement or garage.  Both of these spaces are a bit of a mess so it would be good to get something cleaning down in either (or both) of those spaces.  Now that we've been working on making some upgrades to our house I'm excited to just have a home for everything in those spaces.  At this point I think I need to schedule 1-2 hours a week to focus on getting the basement or garage done and before I know it, I'll be done. 

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great start to November tomorrow!  

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in November?

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