tuesday things {09.26.23}


Happy Tuesday friends! Hope your week is off to a great start and you're looking forward to your week ahead.  Today is another round of Tuesday Things where I share five things from the past week.

1. Somehow I managed to skip this post for the past few weeks.  Not quite sure how that happened, but here I am picking it back up. 

2. I went on a ladies retreat with my mom this past weekend and it was very nice.  The weather was beautiful, we had a great time with the other ladies and we spent time in one of my favorite cities in Michigan - Traverse City.  I love going on this retreat every year and look forward to it.

3. Tomorrow I'm going to a Snip & Sip event with my friend where we will be cutting flowers to make bouquets and sipping wine.  I've never seen this event before but I am looking forward to going with her! We were supposed to go a few weeks ago but I ended up getting COVID on our way home from California and we had to reschedule.

4. On Wednesday I'm going to see Funny Girl with my mom and I'm excited.  I've never seen Funny Girl before so it will be nice to see a new show and spend a nice evening out with my mom.

5. This weekend we've rented a dumpster to start cleaning out our basement and get rid of all the boxes and things we no longer need.  We've been talking about doing it for a while and I'm glad we finally booked it so we can really purge our house.  I'm actually hoping we can do more than basement, but it will depend on our schedules and how busy work is for us this week.  

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week. 

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