April: Month @ a Glance {04.01.24}

Hello and happy April 1st everyone! It's hard to believe we've already completed the first quarter of 2024.  I feel like March went by SUPER fast and April snuck right up on me.  This month we have a few fun things planned and I'm looking forward to the month ahead.  I'm also hoping we can get caught up on some of our chores and general Spring prep.  

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Hair Appointment. I have been growing out my natural hair (which includes a ton of gray hair, so I'm excited to go this week to get my hair touched up and blended. It's been about three months since I started growing out my natural hair so I am excited to really be able to see my natural hair.  

2.  Virtual Silent Book Club. This Friday I am joining another session of the virtual silent book club and I'm excited.  The group is super nice and it's a good way to make sure that I keep up on my reading for the month (especially as my motivation to read dwindles some).

3. Charcuterie Board Class.  Mom and I signed up to take a charcuterie board making class with The Cheese Lady at a local venue.  I'm excited to see what the class offers and have a girls night out with my mom. 

4. Mamma Mia! at the Fisher Theatre.  Mom is going with me to see Mamma Mia and I'm excited.  I haven't been to a show in a while so it will be fun to get out and have a girls evening with my mom.

5. Silent Book Club April Meeting.  I officially started a Silent Book Club chapter in my area and we're having our second meeting later this month at a local book store/cafe.  I'll be sharing a bit about starting the first chapter later this week so be sure to check it out. 

6. Book Club Meeting.  This month I joined another book local book club so I am excited! I had a wonderful time at the last one and really look forward to going this month again. 

Goals for April:

March ended up being way too much for me from a goals perspective due to personal things getting in the way of me doing what I wanted for the month.  

1. Drink 80+oz of water a day.  I did a horrible job drinking enough water in March so the goal is to get back on track.  I know when I drink enough water I feel better so I will be focusing on that this month. 

2. Take my vitamins daily.  I've done fairly well the last few months on this one, but I didn't ace it.  So I'm leaving this one on my goals as this needs to be something I focus on for my overall health. 

3. Exercise or meditate daily.  Now that it is starting to warm up in Michigan I really want to make sure I get outside more.  Even if all I do is sit out and read a book or do some work outside.  I also want to make sure to do some type of physical activity every day - walking, cycling, meditation, yoga, etc.  At least 30 minutes. 

4. Thorough skin care.  Are you like me and doing regular skin care is... overwhelming? I really want to make sure that I start investing in my skin care by doing a thorough routine every morning and evening before bed.  I have everything I need, just need to actually do it. 

5. Finish one book. The last 3 months I have read at least three books which is well over my goal for the month; however, I am going to just keep myself at one book a month.  My goal is to read How to Solve Your Own Murder by Kristen Perrin.  It looks so good and I'm excited.  I also have a book club read for the month of April 

Like previous months I will be using a tracker that I created which was inspired by Evermore Paper Co..  Their website is still down, so I am using my version I created for tracking this month.  I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free.  I will not earn any income from this printable. 

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in March?

Have a wonderful day,

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