May: Month @ a Glance {05.01.24}

Hello and happy first day of May everyone! It's so hard to believe we are already making our way into the fifth month of 2024. It feels like I was just posting the new year post but here I am talking about May.  May is always a busy and fun month for us between my birthday, Mother's Day and my mom's birthday and this year will be no different.  I'm excited to celebrate everyone and enjoy some great company. 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Saline sonogram.  This morning I had an appointment to go and get a "water" ultrasound.  For those that don't know, essentially they fill the uterus with sterile water and take a deeper look to make sure everything is good.  My doctor wanted to do this to make sure I didn't somehow end up with scarring from my D&C back in 2022.  I'm definitely kicking the month off with a bang haha.

2. Virtual Silent Book Club.  Friday evening (and May 17th) I'll be joining a virtual silent book club.  I joined these with my friend Danielle starting a few months back and it's been so fun.  I like that I have dedicated time to read every few weeks which helps me stay on track.  If you want to join the meeting, check it out:

3. 1st Birthday Party.  On Saturday we're heading to my friends kiddos bear-y first birthday party.  It is so crazy to me that he is already turning ONE! I'm excited to see them and spend some time with friends.

4. Brunch with my friend. On Sunday I'll be heading out to get together with my friend for brunch (at least that's the tentative plan for now).  We usually get together once or so a month to chat and catch up.  I haven't seen her in a while so it will be nice to get together.

5. Long weekend for my birthday.  The weekend of my birthday I am taking both Friday and Monday off work.  During that time I'll be heading to get a facial, do my annual skin check (if you haven't done one yet, get it on the books!) and hopefully doing a long phone call with my bestie in Cali.  Saturday mom and I will be going to get flowers at a local nursery then Sunday is Mother's Day!

6. Book Club. I joined a book club at our local indie book store and this month I'm hopping on the Sara J. Mass club and reading Throne of Glass with the group. I'm working my way through the ACOTAR series with a friend so I figured I would join this one and hopefully make some other local friends. 

7. My birthday celebration.  Since I am turning the big 3-5, I wanted to do something fun with my friends and ladies in my life.  We will all be going to make candles (or other good smelling goodies) then going out for dinner at a local restaurant.  I really love quality time with my favorite humans so this will be a lot of fun.

8. Silent Book Club. I talked about how I started a Silent Book Club.  This month we will be having our third meeting! So far 7 people have come to each meeting so it has been good to make some new friends and check out a few new places.  I'm hoping by the end of summer we will have a regular cadence/location for meeting but for now we're trying a few different locations.  

9. Surprise from Justin.  Justin planned a surprise for me at the end of the month.  We will be going out of town for the night then coming back over Memorial Day weekend.  I have a few guesses as to what we are doing, but I'm letting it be a surprise because he took the time to plan it for me. 

10. Cooking class with Mom.  I prefer to do experiences with people versus receive gifts for my birthday so this year I asked my mom to plan something for us to do together.  So at the end of May we're heading to Sur La Table to take a cooking class.  It will be so much fun.  

Goals for May

March ended up being way too much for me from a goals perspective due to personal things getting in the way of me doing what I wanted for the month.  

1. Drink 80+oz of water a day.  I know I'm a broken record, but here I am staying I want to drink 80oz of water a day again.  Anyone want to help me stay accountable this month? 

2. Take my vitamins daily.  Vitamins are super crucial for me right now while I am going through infertility treatment so I'm super motivated to make sure I take what I need every day. 

3. Exercise or meditate daily.  Now that it is starting to warm up in Michigan I really want to make sure I get outside more.  Even if all I do is sit out and read a book or do some work outside.  I also want to make sure to do some type of physical activity every day - walking, cycling, meditation, yoga, etc.  At least 30 minutes. 

4. Thorough skin care.  Someone come and make me take care of my skin, please. It takes less than five minutes a day but here I am still adding it to my goals for the month.  I know I won't regret it but dang, it's a struggle.  

5. Finish one book. The last 4 months I have read at least three books which is well over my goal for the month; however, I am going to just keep myself at one book a month.  Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas.  It looks so good and I'm excited.  I also have a book club read for the month of April 

Like previous months I will be using a tracker that I created which was inspired by Evermore Paper Co..  Their website is still down, so I am using my version I created for tracking this month.  I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free.  I will not earn any income from this printable. 

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in May?

Have a wonderful day,

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