June: Month @ a Glance {06.01.24}

Hello and happy first day of June everyone! I hope you had a wonderful May and are looking forward to a fun June ahead.  We will be busy between Father's Day and his mom's birthday and all the other fun summer activities.  I'm also participating 

On the Agenda this Month:

1. Birthday party for my mom with my family.  We had my family over today to celebrate my mom's birthday. My brother and his wife came down with my niece and we did a cookout at our house.  It was very nice and the weather held out until right as everyone was heading home. 

2. Baby shower for Justin's cousin. Justin's cousin is having their first kiddo so I'm heading out to the baby shower tomorrow.  

3. Online book club. Because I'm crazy, I decided to sign up for a bunch of book clubs and next week I will be reading a book while doing book sprints over at 4 Paws and a Book. They're doing two separate streams so I'm hoping to get the book done during those streams. 

4. In person book club. I am reading the Throne of Glass series with Inscribe Books and I am reading the second book this month.  I will be going to an in-person book club to discuss the book the second week in June. 

5. Silent book club. Of course, the day after my in person book club I'm hosting a Silent Book club meeting at the same location where I'll be reading something for The Amazing Readathon. Speaking of which...  I need to book our July location. 

6. Strawberry picking for his mom's birthday. To continue our annual tradition, Justin and I will be going to pick strawberries with his mom and dad.  I look forward to this tradition every year and am hoping to make some jam this time around. 

7. Father's Day celebrations with our dads. We're still ironing out the plans, but we will be going to celebrate with our dads.  I'm guessing either cooking dinner or going out with them.  Hoping to flush that out this week. 

8. Annual physical. I don't want to do this, but I'll be going for my annual physical this month.  I don't love doing this but it is a very important part of my overall wellbeing so I will be doing it. 

9. Brunch with the girlies. Most of the girlies will be coming over to do brunch at my house.  I'm hoping to do a fun little activity for us too, but I need to figure that out in the next few weeks. 

10. Two more book clubs. Did I mention I'm psycho? I am attending two more in-person book clubs towards the end of the month.  Did you do a count? That means I'm in 6 this month on top of The Amazing Readathon challenge.  I don't need to sleep right? 

11. Birthday party for my friend's kiddo. My friend's daughter is turning 5 and we are invited to celebrate her! I love this kid so much and cannot wait to celebrate her.  

Goals for June

March ended up being way too much for me from a goals perspective due to personal things getting in the way of me doing what I wanted for the month.  

1. Drink 80+oz of water a day.  I know I'm a broken record, but here I am staying I want to drink 80oz of water a day again.  Anyone want to help me stay accountable this month? 

2. Take my vitamins daily.  I've been a mess when it comes to vitamins so my goal is to get myself straightened out on those.  I've got like 8 or 9 vitamins I take every day so I will be getting back in line for that. 

3. 100 Miles, 100 days.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know I'm doing a little challenge where I am moving one mile a day for 100 days.  So my goal is to do 30 miles this month.  I am planning to do one mile a day, but if I miss a day I'll double up.  If you want to join in the fun check out my Instagram, Facebook Page or Google Group

4. Thorough skin care.  My skin is dry dry dry and it's because I'm not giving it any moisture (either through drinking enough water or skin care).  So I'm back on that grind again.  Just like the last five months.  

5. Finish one book. I'm keeping this one down to one but we all know it will be more than that.  I've averaged three books a month the entire year, so I anticipate I'll hit that many this month - but likely I'll hit more. 

Like previous months I will be using a tracker that I created which was inspired by Evermore Paper Co..  Their website is still down, so I am using my version I created for tracking this month.  I'm hoping their site will go back up soon, but if you'd like to use mine, just click on the image at the end of this post - to be clear their version was free and this version is free.  I will not earn any income from this printable. 

Well I think that is everything for today! I hope you have a great month!

Question of the Day: What do you have planned in June?

Have a wonderful day,

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