Tuesday Things {06.11.24}


Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week.  Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week.  If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here

1. We had a quiet weekend.  Or I guess I should say I had a quiet weekend.  Justin had a game release that ate most of his time the last week but he was able to get tone everything he wanted to and I'm so proud of him for his perseverance and dedication to something of which he is passionate. 

2. I was over half way done with a baby blanket for my friend before I realized that I had dropped a significant amount of stitches.  Unfortunately, I had to start over or rip out several rows but I'm so glad I did.  It's already looking so much better than my first attempt and I cannot wait to mail it to my friend overseas.

3. I also started crocheting a book sleeve for myself with some of the leftover yarn from my latest baby blanket.  I have been trying to use up all of my leftovers or give them away to people and I came across this pattern on Pinterest and fell in love.  Right now I am blocking the squares to get them nice and lined up and then I can finish it once it dries.  This is my first time blocking so I'm nervous/excited. I'll have to share a picture once I finish it, but here it is today!

4. Anyone else struggle doing their laundry? I swear I dread it every week and we end up with piles of clothes everywhere because I avoid it like an ex-boyfriend. I am happy to say that I actually kept up on it all last week so we have a bunch of clean clothes.  The only negative.... it made me realize that I have too many clothes and now I need to purge.  I'll have to work on that this summer sometime.

5. I'll be staying up late on Thursday to watch the second half of season 3 of Bridgerton and I'm excited.  I've been waiting for it to come out since the first half released next month.  Honestly, I wish that Netflix wouldn't split the seasons up like they do but they gotta make money somehow, I guess. 

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

Have a wonderful day,

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