tuesday things {06.18.24}


Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week and have many fun things to look forward to for the rest of the week.  Today I am doing another round of 5 Things Friday where I share 5 things from the past week.  If you want to see past Tuesday Things, click here

1. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and was able to celebrate the fathers or father-figures in your life.  We had dinner with my parents and overall had a relaxing day.  I also participated in the Faceoff Weekend as part of The Amazing Readathon and finished a total of six books over the weekend.  I want to be clear, they were short books but it was so fun.  

2. It is so very hot in Michigan right now.  We're under a heat advisory for the whole week and it's kind of miserable.  Not only is it very hot, it is also very humid.  The only benefit was I sat outside for a few minutes and got a little sun on my skin... I mean, it was 15 minutes and I burned, but still.

3. I am excited because I have been slowly crossing things off my 35 for 35 list the past month.  What I'm not sure is if I should do a monthly update on my 35 for 35 or do it once the year has passed.  What do you think?

4. I have been having so much fun with my Bookstagram account lately.  If you haven't checked it out already, check it out here:  I've been hosting photo challenges every month and it's been so fun getting creative and sharing different photos every day.  I'm debating doing something similar on my main Instagram as well too.

5. I have been growing out my natural hair the last six or so months and it has been so interesting to see what my natural color actually is.  I have been highlighting/coloring my hair for the last 13+ years so I had no idea what my hair actually looked like uncolored.  So far I can say that it's a dark brown with a ton of grays.  The good news is the grays are very pretty and I cannot wait to see how they grow out! Hopefully by this time next year I'll have enough length to go fully natural, but only time will tell.  

Well that's everything for this Tuesday! I hope you have a great rest of your week.

Have a wonderful day,

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