July: Month in Review {08.08.24}

Hello friends and happy Thursday! I hope your week is off to a great start so far and you're looking forward to the weekend ahead.  We have quite a few things planned but they're all fun. This month I am continuing the Month in Review post where I talk about the previous month and what has been going on! 

What's New
Nothing new to report over here and I'm okay with that.  We've had a lot of chaos lately so having a quieter month helps me a lot. 

Monthly Goals Update
1. Drink 80+oz of water a day.  For July, I think I ended up drinking 80+ oz of water over half of the days so that's a win.  

2. Take my vitamins daily.  I lacked vitamins for the beginning of the month, but picked up towards then end of the month and have been going strong since the first of August. 

3. 100 Miles, 100 days.  At this point... I'm not sure I'll hit my goal of 100 miles in 100 days.  We shall see, but I'm not hopeful. 

4. Finish three books. I finished five books in July - check them out below! 

Top Performing Posts for July
It cracks me up how so many of the popular posts are posts from 2023 or even earlier.  Last month was no different, but we did see a bit of a change where the posts did switch up. 

1. A Drag Queen Christmas is coming to the Fisher Theater
2. The 7th Show in the Broadway in Detroit's 2023-2024 Season is...

What I Watched
I started watching My Big Fat Fabulous Life because I was a few seasons behind, but other than watching a few episodes of that I didn't watch too much TV.  I am still mainly consuming Twitch streamers or YouTube videos.  

What I Read
I read a total of five books in July and really enjoyed some of them and kind of enjoyed others.  If you want more details, check out my July Book in Review postJuly Book in Review post.

Last Month's Spotify Playlist
Last month I listened to mostly Summer Playlists which is filled with the most popular upbeat music for the summer months.  I have really enjoyed it. 

Well that is all for today.  Thanks for checking out my month in review! 

Have a wonderful day,

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