Pumpkins and Haunted Houses

Hello Everyone!
I hope your weekend was as fun as mine was! I got to carve pumpkins and go to a haunted house! Pumpkin carving has been a tradition for us since I was a freshman in college in 2007. We ended up missing it last year because of my wedding, but I was determined to keep it up this year! The original plan was for us to go to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins, but unfortunately the weather was not coorporating.   So we went to Meijer to pick out our pumpkins.  The pumpkin selection was AWESOME!
We ended up digging to the very bottom of the box to pick out three perfect pumpkins!
My friend Danielle decided to try a different pumpkin carving and ended up with what we are calling her "babies".
Each person that carved a large pumpkin picked out their stencils beforehand! I loved the wide variety of choices from scary, to cute, to funny.  And they all turned out pretty fantastic!
After pumpkin carving, we all grabbed a bite to eat before heading out to the haunted house! For dinner we had delicious white bean turkey chili and delicious pumpkin cookies! I will have to share my recipe with you because they were VERY delicious!
We got to the haunted house around 10:00pm and had a pretty long, wet line to wait in.  As I mentioned before, the weather was being difficult and when it rains, it pours.  However, the haunted house was well worth the wait!  We've been going to this one for quite some time and I am always pleasantly surprised every year because they switch everything up.  The only part I did not like was when they buried us alive in ball pit balls.  I got a bit clausterphobic, but what can you do?

Erebus is on the guiness world records for the biggest walk-through haunted house and it really is large.  It takes about an hour to get through the entire thing! If you are ever in Pontiac, MI in October, you will have to make a point to check it out. 

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