To Get a Kitty, or to Not Get a Kitty... Part 2

So after what felt like hours of discussing what to do about the kitten, we decided to get one!

I'd like to introduce you to Phillip J. Frye, or as we are aptly calling him, Frye.

Frye is four months old and is always playing and curious.  He loves to sit in people's laps and always has to be the center of atention.  We are so very excited to have him around. 

On Friday, September 28th (our 11 month anniversary) we met up with Ellen, Frye's foster momma, to adopt him.  The good thing about doing the adoption the way we did is the coupons we received from Petsmart.  They give you some good coupons for litter and food which gave us a good headstart on the things we needed for our new family member.

Once we got Frye home and settled, my in-laws stopped over to meet their new "grand kitty" and to have dinner with us.  I quickly cooked up some yummy Jenno-O turkey burgers with freshly cut pineapple and carrots.  Pretty awesome meal in the less than 15 minutes it took me to prepare it.

I was so sweet, my mother-in-law updated her facebook status to say: "Got to meet the newest member of our family tonight. Justin and Jackie adopted the cutest little kitty. We now have a HUGE "grand dog" and an itty bitty 'grand kitty'".  It made me smile just a little bit.

He seems to be adjusting pretty well to his new home and we are very excited to have him!

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