Josh Groban Concert

Happy Friday Everyone! Are you so happy it is the last day of the work week? I know I am!

On Wednesday night, my mom, Amelia and myself all went to see Josh Groban in concert, and let me tell you, he was fantastic!

The funniest thing happened for the concert... Amelia and I wore the same shirt! We went shopping with my mom a few weeks back and we both ended up buying the same sweater, but I never imagined that we would end up wearing it at the same time.

The concert started with Judith Hill performing.   If you watch The Voice, then you know her.  I loved her music because she covered a wide range of genres and she moved effortlessly between each one.  If you have not had a chance to hear her sing, I would definitely take a minute and check her out.

I loved listening to Josh Groban singing and it was amazing to see how much his singing calmed me down.  Music has always had a calming effect on me, but there was something in the purity of his voice that I would not help but completely relax while listening to him sing.

A few fun things happened during the concert:
1. In our row, there was one empty seat which ended up being filled by the mayor of one of our local cities! His name is Dave Coulter and he was a pretty awesome guy.  To be honest, I have never met the mayor of any city until then and I was a little awestruck.  He seemed like a pretty normal guy with passion and excitement for his job.  It is always nice to see local politicians out in the everyday world.

2. Josh Groban had a little boy come up on stage to sing with him.  Apparently, you could write into the producers and ask Josh Groban a question and if you were lucky he would call out your name and answer you question.  Well, one little boy got super lucky because Josh Groban called his name, brought him on stage and sang a song with him.  It was so sweet to see Josh Groban sing with him and make that little boy so very happy.

Our evening ended with us running out to the car as quickly as possible, since winter is settling in here in the Mitten State.  If you ever get the chance to see Josh Groban live, I would recommend taking the opportunity because he is wonderful.

Question of the Day:
Who is your favorite person you have seen live? 

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