Spa Day with the Girls!

Hey there readers! I am so sorry for my "leave of absence" over the last few weeks.  Justin and I have been extremely busy taking care of some things and my work schedule has not afforded me with a spare moment {until now} to post for you all!

I have already contacted them, but I wanted to let everyone know that there were TWO winners for the Diet Giveaway because there were only two comments on the blog by the time the contest ended.  Both ladies have been notified that they won and should be receiving their books within the next few weeks! Yay!

This past weekend, my girlfriends and I got together for our very own Spa Day.

Each one of us was responsible for something different: Kimmy provided massages, Danielle provided manicures, Sarah provided eyelash extensions, Caroline provided the snacks/wine and I provided the facials! When getting ready for the girls to come over, I took a few minutes and organized different stations for everything that way we were not all trying to cram into a tiny bathroom barely big enough for two people.  

Once everyone arrived, we quickly started pampering ourselves with some at home facials and lip treatment.  Honestly, we looked absolutely ridiculous with everything on our faces, but it sure made for good laugh and an excellent treatment for our skin.

After our facials were done, we each took turns getting our nails done, getting eyelash extensions done and getting massages.  It was so nice to just relax and spend some quality time with my girls pampering ourselves.

Once we finished all of the other treatments, Danielle, Sarah and myself made our way into the bathroom to do a body scrub on our calves.  With Michigan's weather being all over the place, it has been drying our skin out to no end.  I love this DIY scrub and have used it on several occasions.  It works very well and helps keep my skin hydrated.  

Of course the day had a perfect ending with us watching Downton Abbey! Do any of you like/watch the show? If so, what did you think of the Season Finale?! 

Question of the Day: 
What is your favorite beauty "treat" that you get to do?


  1. How fun! I'm glad that everyone had a great time at the spa. Everyone needs to relax and recharge every once in a while, so I'm really glad that you all had the time to pamper yourselves. You guys deserve it. Thanks for sharing all about that fun day, Jackie! All the best to you! :)

    William Connors @ The Healing Station

  2. How fun! I'm glad you girls had a wonderful time treating yourselves to a home spa. I love how each one of you were designated a certain task different from the other. I suggest you girls have a spa day every month. After all, everyone needs to unwind with friends from time to time, and because you totally deserve it. In any way, thanks for sharing that, Jackie! Stay gorgeous! :)

    Marshall Copeland @ Baja Medi Spa

  3. What a day! I can just imagine that happiness and relaxation you felt with that girls' bonding. The idea of treating yourselves with those DIY pampering techniques is totally brilliant. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing that, Jackie! I hope you get to enjoy moments like that more often. Kudos and all the best!

    Shanell Custer @ Sage Health and Wellness Clinic


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a