Busy Month of March

Hello March

It is so hard to believe that we have already hit March! Where has this year gone? I know everyone is anxiously awaiting the warmer weather that comes with Spring, but it would appear that Michigan is bound to hold onto the cold for just a little bit longer.  To say Michigan {and most of the country} has had a rough winter is a complete understatement, that is for sure!

March is panning out to be a busy month in our house, and I am very excited!

In chronological order:

  • Weekend Up North Trip with Caroline and Josh
  • Ladies Retreat with my Momma in Bay City
  • Mom2Mom Sale with Infantly Cute
  • Movie Monday (a new tradition)
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • Meals on Wheels 
  • Coffee date with Wendy
  • Divergent Movie Midnight Showing
  • Family get together at Grandma's House

I am glad we have a few weekend trips planned for the month of March because we have both been going a bit stir crazy with the weather being as cold as it has been the past few months.  Plus, Justin is planning a weekend trip with his dad and uncle down to Kentucky to get away and golf.  I am honestly a bit jealous that he is going out of town without me!

I am also very excited to go back on the ladies retreat with my mom.  We had such a wonderful time last year and it will be nice to spend some time with my mom and the other ladies for the weekend.  Plus, Justin will be busy with the golf expo that he has been looking forward to since last year.

Other happenings in March!:

In February, I massively fell off the wagon with my challenges, so in March I will be hitting the ground running and plan to tackle all of my challenges head on.

My challenges in March are:

If you follow me on Pinterest, I'm sure you have noticed by now that I have been posting trying to post pictures daily.  I never imagined that this would be a difficult task, but when life is throwing all kinds of crazy things your way, even the simplest tasks can be overwhelming.  

So that is our month of March! It is going to be busy, but also very fun!

Question of the Day:
  • What is the one thing you are most looking forward to in March?

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