6 Places + Weekend Review

Happy Monday Everyone! I trust that you had an excellent weekend filled with fun and adventure.

My weekend was not very exciting since I was holed up at home studying for my big exam on July 11th.  I know I have mentioned my taking the CAPM exam before - but it is even more of a reality now since the exam is a little over a week away! Ahhh.   Suffice to say, this weekend was very chill and relaxing.  Even the cats took advantage of the quiet and were very lazy sleepy.

Today I wanted to continue with Day 5 of the 10 Day You Challenge.  If you have not had a chance to view my other challenges, please click this link ---> linky to check them out.  This is just a little fun challenge as a way for you all to get to know me a little better and a way for me to challenge you all as your write your blogs.

Day 5: Six Places

1. On the Couch with Justin 

Justin and I really enjoy watching movies and television together, so I can say with full honesty that our couch is one of my favorite places to be.  Plus, we have a super comfortable couch, so it is always relaxing to pop a squat on the couch and watch something together

2. Cuddling in Bed with My Kitties

Both of my kitties are snuggle-bugs when it comes to laying in bed and will take every opportunity to cuddle as closely as possible while were are laying in bed.  The only problem is I can hardly ever get a good picture of both of them because Leilah is our speed demon.

3. Anywhere with My Girlfriends

My girlfriends and I try to get together at least once a month and so far we have been successful for almost every month for the last year and a half.  I look forward to getting together with my girlfriends because they bring such a light to my life and laughter is always to be had when they are around.

4. My Grandma's House at Christmastime 

For the last 20+ years, my cousins and I have been going to stay the night at my grandma's house and I can say with full honesty that being there is one of my favorite places on this earth.  My grandma is such a wonderful woman and has instilled such a fondness for family in our lives.  

5. Up North

I have talked several times on the blog about my love for going to the cabin, so of course it had to make it's way onto this list.  There is something so calming about being up north away from the hustle and bustle of life and enjoying a quiet and relaxing time away.

6. Jamaica

This place has been on my mind so much lately that I seem to be constantly daydreaming about it.  I think I left a piece of my heart in Jamaica when I went there.  The minute I get an opportunity to make my way back to Jamaica, I will most definitely be doing so.

Question of the Day: What are you favorite places? 

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