Let the Fireworks Begin!

Hello JULY!

It is amazing how quickly the time flies by when you are having fun and June was definitely a fun month for us! Between the wedding receptions, graduation parties, birthday celebrations and strawberry picking, I feel like I blinked and the month was over.  I believe I am almost all the way caught up with my posts from June  ( I know I am missing my book review) so if you have not been around for a while, come check out some of the exiting things that we did in June!

Like May & June, July will also be a fun-filled month for us.  However, it will start out a little slower than most months because I will be studying for my CAPM exam on July 11th! Once I pass that exam, the real fun can begin.

In Chronological Order:
  • Up North for the 4th of July
  • Visit Danielle's family while we are up north
  • CAPM Exam
  • Caroline's Bachelorette Party
  • Dress Shopping (for me) for Courtney & Ronnie's Wedding
  • Coffee with Wendy
  • Barbecue Party
  • Movie Monday with Justin
  • Surprise Trip for Justin

Other happenings in JULY!

June was a disaster for working out, so I am going get back on track with the fitness challenges for the month of July.  I also am behind on my June read, so I am likely going to have two book reviews for July.

My Challenges in June are:

Justin and I watched The Monuments Men movie last week and it was really good so I am hoping that I enjoy the book as much as I did the movie.   I also need to get my butt in gear for working out - I promised my doctor I'd lose 50 pounds by March of next year and so far I am only down seven - only 43 to go! 

Question of the Day:
What fun things do you have planned for July?

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