It's August Already?! What in the World?!

Hi Everyone! Apparently a month has gone by since I last checked in and that is pretty lame! So much has been going on that I have not been able to keep up with everything and unfortunately the blog suffered for it.

Luckily, I have found a renewed since of fervor to get my rear end in gear and hop back on the blogging wagon! 

August is not going to be nearly as busy as previous months because we just don't have as much going on - and to be honest, I am totally okay with that! I feel like we have been moving at lightening speed and the slower pace will be much enjoyed.

In Chronological Order:
  • Courtney and Ronnie's Wedding (update to come shortly)
  • Stephanie's Surprise birthday party
  • Dwayne Comes to Visit
  • Redecorating the Guest Bedroom
  • Trip to the Sleeping Bear Dunes
  • Celebrating my Father-in-Law's Birthday
  • Renaissance Festival 
  • Up North for Labor Day

Other happenings in August! 

Since July came and went and we are already on August 4th, I am starting a bit behind the game this month.  However, I plan on getting my stuff together and getting my butt in gear! 

My Challenges in August are:

The Maze Runner movie is coming out sometime this Fall, so I am looking forward to reading the book prior to watching the movie.  Unfortunately, I need to finish June and July's book before I can move on to August's book.

Question of the Day:
What fun things do you have planned for August?

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