Danielles Birthday + a Diamond Mouse Pad

Hello Everyone! I hope your Tuesday is going well! I wanted to share with you today a quick recap of Danielle's birthday celebration we had last week! 

My girlfriends and I always try to make it a point to get together once a month for any reason that we see fit, and for the month of July, that just happened to be Danielle's birthday!

We made plans to go to dinner at Mongolian BBQ (BD's) which was a ton of fun because Caroline had never been before! If you do not know what Mongolian BBQ is, then you are seriously missing out!

When you get to the restaurant, they take your drink order and hand you a bowl.  This is where the fun comes in: you get to pick what you eat! There is a buffet where you pick your meat, veggies and cooking sauce!  This time around I had chicken/shrimp with a medley of different vegetables all cooked with their Asian Peanut Sauce.  Yummmmyyy.

After dinner, we made our way back to my apartment to have cake and make crafts! For this get together, we all made our very own mouse pads.  Danielle found a tutorial online that seemed pretty simple, so she bought all the supplies and we each got to make our own mouse pad.  Now to just get a mouse for my laptop, haha! 

Mine was hues of turquoise/green, Danielle's looked very similar to the tutorial, Caroline did red and white with red glitter, Sarah did hues of puples/gold and Kimmy did a Batman/Superman combined look.  It is so fun to see how different everyone's creativity is! And the best part, it did not cost all that mush to make.  

If you'd like to make your very own version of this mouse pad, check out the video below! Her tutorial is pretty straight forward and easy to follow!

Happy Birthday Danielle! 

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