Strawberry Picking 2015

Hello from Austin! I have to say I have not been to Texas in a loooongggg time.  It is 91 degrees with 95% humidity right now so I am melting every time I go outside.  A group of about fourteen of us flew out last night from Detroit and arrived late last night.

On my flight, I took advantage of the three hours without technology and finally read any part of a book for this month.  June has been a bit crazy for me between being busy and being sick.

Over the weekend we celebrate my mother-in-laws birthday by going Strawberry picking for the fourth year in a row.  


On Sunday morning, Justin and I got up around 7:30 to get out the door and make our way out to Spicer's Orchard.  All four years we have done strawberry picking, we have gone to Spicer's Orchard.  I really enjoy going there because they are reasonably priced and super convenient to use.  Plus the staff is super friendly.

Justin and I were a few minutes late, so we had to wait about 15 minutes for the tractor to come and get us.  Honestly I was a bit worried that the weather would not be good because the day before was the worse day we've had weather wise this summer.  

The day ended up being absolutely perfect for strawberry picking.  It was sunny with a few fluffy clouds but not too hot nor too humid.  We honestly could not have asked for more beautiful weather for strawberry picking.  And of course McKenna and J.P. ate a ton of strawberries.  Look how cute she is with strawberry all over her face and shirt.  I just love her.  

I love this tradition so much and look forward to doing it for many years to come!!

After the orchard we headed back to my in-law's house to make strawberry jam.  I was super excited to make the jam because I have never made jam before.  I did not realize that there was SO much work that went into making jam.  

I can't wait to get home from Austin so I can try some of our jelly!

Previous strawberry picking posts:

This picture is from our first time going strawberry picking! My sister-in-law was pregnant for this round.  It's amazing how much has changed since then. 

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