June: Month @ a Glance

Happy June Friends!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  It has been super rainy in Michigan for the last few days, but the sun did peek out for a little bit yesterday morning and it was glorious!

June actually is going to be a slower month for us since we do not have too many big things on the calendar, and to be honest I am quite alright with that because July will be absolutely crazy.

In Chronological Order:
  • 5k Race with my cousin, Stephanie, for Meals on Wheels in my Area 
  • My niece's first gymnastics recital
  • Father's Day celebrations
  • Graduation Party
  • Strawberry picking for Marcy's birthday 
  • Bridal shower for my cousin's future wife

So overall, it really will not be super busy.  I plan to take this month to get myself organized and get our guest bedroom ready for when we have company in July.  I also will be kicking off my 26 @ 26 plans this Friday! I am excited to share with you all what things I have planned for this! It will be totally awesome.

I am excited to report that in the month of May, I was able to read five books!  Currently, I have three books planned for the month of June.  Once I have those finished I will make sure to share a review on the blog for you.  Since I read five books in May, I will make one large post with all the books I read with a quick review in case you all were interested in reading any of those books.

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned for June?

I'd love to hear from you!

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