What's Up Wednesday #3

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match FamilyPinterest Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post.  What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and it is a fun list of questions getting ready for the upcoming month!

1. What We're Eating This Week:

This week has been a bit busy and we will be eating out three times this week.  Monday night we had P.F. Changs, last night we had Nacho Pie, tonight we're having fast food, tomorrow we're having Spaghetti and Friday we are going out to dinner for a date night.  

2. What I'm Reminiscing About:

On Saturday night we went out to celebrate Sarah's birthday and it was so much fun! I loved getting out with my friends and just having a good time.   

3. What I'm Loving

The clouds! I have been seeing some pretty crazy clouds around here lately and I love it.  I just wish I could reach up and pluck them from the sky.  

4. What We've Been Up To
Honestly, we have not been up to too much lately.  We have a busy month ahead of us for the Month of July, so we are making sure to enjoy the down time while we have some. 

I have been working on my Etsy Shop and getting some listings up on there.  If you didn't notice, I created a tab at the top of my page with more information about the Etsy Shop.

5. What I'm Dreading
I am dreading working out on my own.  I have been consistently working out with Christina and she is going to be out of town this weekend and I am out for work next week.  I am going to do it but I am a bit overwhelmed by it all. 

6. What I'm Working On
Paintings and travel plans!

I have been working on getting a ton of paintings done for my Etsy shop and I am excited to say that I am starting to generate a little activity.  I feel so blessed that I already have 66 likes on my Facebook Page within 10 days.  

7. What I'm Looking Forward To

Next week I fly to Austin for work.  This is my first ever time travelling for work so I am both nervous and excited.  I have never been to Austin, but I have been to Texas so it will be exciting to head back south for a few days. 

8. What I'm Watching/Reading

I have not read any books in the month of June {for shame} but I have been enjoying the kick off of the summer shows.  Currently I am excited about what will happen in Mistresses and Pretty Little Liars.  

9. What I'm Listening To

 Still listening to the Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack on YouTube.  I loved the movie + the soundtrack so much so it only seemed appropriate to listen to the soundtrack on YouTube. 

10. What I'm Wearing

I have been loving this dress from Target lately! I found it for $8.63 at a target by my house and it is perfect for this warmer weather we have been having.  Honestly, I have been wearing a ton of dresses lately and have been loving it.  

11. What I'm Doing This Weekend

Friday night, Justin and I are staying at the Royal Park Hotel for the night.  Then Saturday I have a bridal shower and Sunday we're going Strawberry Picking with Justin's family for my mother-in-law's birthday.  I am hoping the weather holds out for our big day.  

12. What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month

We have a ton of exciting things coming up next month, but I think I am most excited for Wendy coming to visit! She will be here for two different weekends and I really look forward to catching up with her.

13. What Else is New
I have lost a total of 9" all over my body and a total of 2 pounds.  It's amazing how much change can happen without much weight loss.  I'll make sure to post an update for everyone once I have it all ready for ya'll.  

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts:

What's Up Wednesday #1

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