July: Month @ a Glanc

Happy July Friends!

Hello Again from Austin! Today is my last full day here and I will be in meetings alllllllll day so I wanted to check in first thing this morning before my day got busy.  June turned out to be a busier month than I was expecting it to but it turned out great. 

Plus, I opened up my very own Etsy Shop! If you haven't had a chance to check it out, make sure to head over there and check out my Facebook Page.  I'm trying to hit 100 likes within the first month and would be super excited if you all helped me hit my goal. 

July is going to be a busy month for us between visitors and weddings.  I'm excited about everything but I am also hoping I can get everything done and get a few more paintings up on my Etsy Page.  

In Chronological Order:
  • Austin for Work (I come home on the 2nd)
  • 4th of July Party with a few friends
  • Start training for the 1/2 marathon (more on that later) 
  • Head to the east side of the Mitten with Sarah for the weekend
  • Dwayne and Wendy Visit for the weekend
  • Cedar Point with a group of Friends
  • Emily's Wedding
  • Dwayne and Wendy Visit again 

Other Goals for July:
Read at least two books
 Workout 12 times with Christina or Sarah
Complete every scheduled run for the month of July
Have at least 10 blog posts

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in July? 

I'd love to hear from you!


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