I Bought a Coloring Book!

Happy Tuesday Friends!

Sorry I have been so absent lately... There is no other excuse then not prioritizing or managing my time correctly.  It seems to be a pattern that I cannot stay on track during the month of July every year.  Now that I have noticed it, I promise next year I will work extra hard for July to make sure that I do not repeat this pattern next summer.

As I was reading my emails today, I came across an email from Erin Condren and I was super excited to see that she is now selling coloring books for adults.  I have heard rumblings about them for a while, but when I saw that she is selling them, I immediately downloaded and printed her sample page to color when I get home from work tonight.

I then turned around and went to Amazon to buy this adult coloring book.  With Amazon Prime, it was $10.47 and would be here in two days, so I jumped all over that opportunity {I will have to save up for the EC Coloring Book as it would be $20 with shipping // maybe for Christmas?} 

If you didn't know, there are a ton of benefits from coloring - when you are a child AND when you are an adult.  Check out some of these article about coloring & adults:

I cannot wait for my new coloring book to come in the mail! Now to go out and get some new color pencils - perfect time of year since it's back to school shopping time! 

Question of the Day: What do miss doing as a child that you "can't" do as an adult? Why don't you do it anymore?

I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I love my Erin Condren planner and this coloring book would make the perfect gift for my sister! I love the idea of an adult coloring book!

    1. Im super excited to buy hers once I get paid next 😄 have you checked out all of her new stuff for the fall? I'm in love haha


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