Had My First Run....

....and I Didn't Die.

So I mentioned a few weeks ago that I signed up to run a 1/2 marathon, but I honestly had not taken the time to get a run in until today.  Thank you to my friend Christina for encouraging me to get my butt outside and moving for the first run of the training plan.

Because I am working with Hope Water Project, they provided a training plan that I could follow to get ready for the 1/2 Marathon in January.  This week I am supposed to run Monday, walk Tuesday, run Wednesday, Crosstrain Thursday, Rest Friday, Run Saturday and Rest Sunday.  Instead of running last night, I ended up doing an arm workout with Christina, so we got in a run today.

Obviously I am starting out at square one since I have not ran in a few years, and let me tell you, it was a lot more difficult than I thought.  My calves were screaming, my lungs were screaming and I was overall very tired.  However, now that I am sitting here writing this, I do not feel nearly as badly as I did while we were out there.  Yay!

We ended up doing a little longer of a run than I had originally planned, but I was okay with that since we got frozen yogurt.  If you have never tried frozen yogurt (froyo) then you need to make your way to your local froyo place and give it a shot! So delicious and 1/3 the calories of regular ice cream.  

Thankfully Christina used her app to track our time, but I am on the hunt for a good running app or watch.  Which leads me to the question of the day: 

What is your favorite running app/watch? 

Leave your recommendations in the comment section - I look forward to reading about your favorites!

I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment

  1. I like the one that she used - looks like Map My Run (I use Map My Walk, not sure if there's a difference, lol).


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