I'm Running a 1/2 Marathon!

Hi Friends! I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! We ended up having a very relaxing weekend and spent some quality time with friends and made some new friends on Saturday.  

I am super excited to share with you that I have been accepted to run a 1/2 Marathon at Disney this coming January! This will be my first ever 1/2 marathon so I am nervous and super excited.  Plus, I will be running at Disney of all places.  Hello Mickey Mouse!

But the best part of this race is not that it will be at Disney World, but the fact that I will be raising money to support the Pokot People.

About Hope Water Project
Hope Water Project is a community that is designed to raise awareness about the lack of water available to the Pokot People.  The Pokot people are a group of nearly 1,000,000 people in Kenya and only 10% of them have access to clean water.  This means that of the 1,000,000 Pokot People, 900,000 of them do not have access to clean water... 900,000 people do not have access to the most basic necessity for all living creatures.

What I am Doing
I am very excited and feel very blessed to have the opportunity to run the Disney Half-Marathon (13.1 miles) in January 2016. This will be my first ever half marathon, so it only seems fitting that I take the opportunity to raise awareness for a good cause while challenging myself to likely the most difficult thing I will ever do in my life.  If donating money is not something you are able or interested in doing, that's okay! I just ask that you please pray for the Pokot People, pray for the other racers and pray for safety while we all run.  

The more people who know about this issue, the more we can make change.

How You Can Help:
I currently have a goal to raise $1,000 dollars by the time I race in January 2016. If I can get 77 people to donate $1 for every mile (13 total) I run, then I will easily hit my goal of $1,000.  If you are interested in supporting this wonderful cause, you can either donate at Hope Water Project or you can donate through the Go Fund Me widget below (and on the side bar).  As a reminder 100% of all funds raised will go toward Hope Water Project and I will not be keeping any for myself. 

My Goal:
My goal throughout this process is to have regular updates for you all on how things are going.  This will be my first 1/2 Marathon so I would greatly appreciate any tips, suggestions, and feedback on running that you all think would be helpful to me.

As always, thank you so much for reading my blog! I look forward to going on this journey with you all! 

I'd love to hear from you!

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