August: Month @ a Glance

Happy August Friends!

Sorry for the late post, today was a crazy day and I am playing catch up from the weekend.  Dwayne and Wendy came to visit for Friday and Saturday so I was a bit distracted from doing my Month @ a Glance post for August.

July was an absolutely crazy month between the 4th of July and having visitors stay at our apartment for three weekends in a row - I will be honest, it felt a little like we were a hotel; however, I loved being surrounded by our dear friends that we do not get to see very often. 

August is turning out to be a busier month than I had anticipated, but that is okay! I think it will be a tiny bit less chaotic than July.

In Chronological Order:
  • Dwayne and Wendy visit for the night
  • Weekend Getaway with my Cousins
  • Team Event @ Work 
  • Travel to Austin for Work
  • 3rd Annual Fort Sleepover!
  • Celebrate my Father-in-Law's birthday
  • Hopefully a Double Date with our Couple Friend

Other Goals for August
Read at least 2 books 
Complete every single run on my list
Add 3 new listings to my Etsy Shop
Post at least 3 times a week

Question of the Day: What fun things do you have planned in August? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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