Show and Tell Tuesdays: Back to School

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope all is well and you are having a great day so far! Today I am teaming up with Andrea for another fun round of Show and Tell Tuesdays.  This one is a bit different for me because I do not have any children myself and neither my husband or I are in school at the moment.  However, I can tell you what I did do while I was a student in my undergrad. 

The first {and most frustrating} part of getting ready for school was ordering all of my textbooks.  Thankfully, my sophomore year I came across this website called Chegg.  If you have not heard of Chegg and you are currently in college or will be going back soon, I would seriously consider giving them a quick glance.  It is a website where you can rent your textbooks for about 1/3 of the price.  If keeping your textbooks is not a big deal and you are all about saving money {like me}, I would for sure check it out! 

If I am honest with you all {and myself} I am addicted to school supplies.  There is nothing more exciting to me then buying colorful pens, notebooks and sticky note pads.  I am also obsessed with my Erin Condren planner.  If you have not heard of Erin Condren, I highly recommend you check her stuff out.  Throughout high school, college, and even afterward, I have used a planner.  There is something so helpful about having everything in one place + I get so much joy out of color coding everything in my planner to help me track what I am supposed to be doing for the upcoming weeks // months. 

Once I had my planner picked out, I made sure to pick up a few good notebooks, a three-ring binder and colorful pens.  I found while I was in college, that it helped to have a three ring binder with all of my subjects in one place.  On average I was taking between four and six classes, so I would keep all of the papers for every class in one binder.  Each subject had it's own divider (the divider had a pocket) and then a notebook for each subject.  

When I started college, this was not my method for organization, but as I got more comfortable with my schedule, I realized over time that I did better to have everything in one place.  That way things were not scattered all over the place. 

Also when I was getting ready to go back to school, I would stock up on granola bars and water bottles.  Often times I would be running from class to class, so this helped me not be starving when I was running myself ragged trying to get to all of my classes and work.  

Once I had all my supplies and books ready to go, this girl was a happy camper and ready to get the show on the road!

Next time on Show and Tell Tuesdays.....

Show & Tell Us Who You Were in High School

Need supplies, but don't have time to shop? Check out Amazon! Great back to school deals are going on right now. 

Question of the Day: What is/was your favorite subject in school? 

I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. Love, love, love my Erin Condren Planner!! I would seriously fall apart without it haha! And I am going to find those markers, they are awesome!

    1. I LOVE my markers 😄 I bought that set at Target, but I know most Office Supply stores carry them as well. What do you think of the new layout for the Erin Condren planners? I'm excited to check them out ☺️

  2. I keep hearing about these Erin Condren planners! Her name is awesome enough to make me want to check them out ;-) thanks for the recommendation!
    Erin (No Bohns About It)

    1. Definitely check her out! She released her newest stuff last month, so you will get to see all her new patterns and colors :)


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