That Time I Ran from Zombies

Happy Thursday Friends! I hope all is going well and you are enjoying your week.  Guest what?! Tomorrow is Friday! This week has been super long for me, so I am looking forward to a weekend getaway with my cousins.

Today I'm super excited to tell you about this app that I came across while browsing Imgur the other.  It's called Zombies, Run!

Here's their Launch Trailer video:

Honestly, when I started researching the app, I was a bit skeptical, but I can say with full honesty that the app kept me going and I found myself wanting to run as long as possible to complete the mission and get all of the supplies to bring back to base.  

My enthusiasm for running has not been too high lately, so I was excited that I found something that not only made me want to run, but it kept me going once I got fifteen or so minutes into the run.  I think the app is perfect for motivation when you are just not feeling it.

For my first run I had the measurement set to kilometers, but you can switch it up to miles.  I just did not realize that until after I had completed the run.  The goal of our run was to just get from my apartment to the gym, but we ended up going even longer because we were very close to finishing the mission and the zombies were chasing us.  Obviously, we did not want to get caught haha.

One of the other great features of the app is the ability to track your map, distance and pace.  The picture above is an overview of the ran we did the other day.  Obviously, we were not going super fast, but it will be neat to track my progress from the first story to the next.

Currently, the app has free missions, but to get the full use of the app and access to all of the missions you have two options:
1. $2.99 a month
2. $19.99 a year 

Personally, I was hoping the app would be a little cheaper to use, but I fully intend on buying the full version because I am that excited about this app.  As I get deeper into the story line, I will be sure to share more with you all.

Interested in trying this app out? Go here!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite running app?

I'd love to hear from you!

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