DIY Glitter Ornaments

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I wanted to share a fun post with you on how to make your own glittered ornaments! I have not done a tutorial post in a while and with Christmas quickly approaching, it seemed appropriate to do this post now! 

The 2015 Holiday Ornament Exchange

The inspiration for this post comes from the My Pinterventures 2015 Ornament Exchange.  I was super excited when I came across this opportunity because I love doing ornament exchanges and I love connecting with other bloggers.  The idea is to make {or buy} and ornament for your partner that you are assigned, then do a post about how you made {or purchased} the ornament.  

There were over 80 bloggers that signed up for this exchange so it will be really awesome to see all of the different ideas for making ornaments.

My Exchange Partner
I was paired up with Christine from Where the Smile Have Been.  She is super sweet and has some adorable ideas over at her blog.  Please take some time to check out all of her awesome stuff! In our conversations, she mentioned that she definitely does not do traditional decorations, so I knew right away I wanted to do some fun and bright colors for her ornaments.  Plus, I knew they had to have a little glitter on them - because, you know, who doesn't love glitter!

And the ornament that she made me is INCREDIBLE! I am absolutely in love with it and cannot wait to put it on my Christmas tree next month.

What you will Need:

How To:
  • Remove the top of the ornament 
  • Pour a small amount of paint into the ornament
{I always end up putting more in the ornament than I think I need - I would recommend using the paint sparingly and only adding more as needed}
  • Once you have a little paint in the ornament, start moving the paint around to get coverage all over the ornament.  This takes a bit of time because you have to do a little shaking and tapping to get the paint everywhere you needed.
  • Once the entire ornament is covered with paint, place upside down in a disposable cup or surface.  The excess paint will begin to drop out of the ornament as the paint dries.  This is why it is important to not use too much as it severely slows down the drying process.
  • For the next part, it helped me to have the cups so the ornaments had a place to rest.
  • Draw a line on your ornament where you would like the glitter to sit - I free handed this part and found that it worked pretty well.
  • Use a foam paint brush {or any paint brush you have} to paint the mod podge onto the ornament in the area that you would like to see glitter.
  • Once the entire area is covered in mod podge, pour glitter onto the glue.  This part was a little messy, so I put a plate down to catch the excess glitter.  This allowed me to keep any glitter that did not make it on the ornament while not making too large of a mess.
  • Once the mod podge has had some time to dry, take your Krylon paint and the ornament outside {or in a well vented area} to spray the glitter.  This part is important because the glitter will continue to fall off the ornament if it is not sealed.
  • Once the paint has dried and the glue dried, you are all set to enjoy your ornament!

So what do you think? Fun and glittery, right? I am excited for Christine to get them in the mail soon!

Make sure to check out the other bloggers' tutorials posted today!


  1. What a clever way to make decorator colored ornaments! Mod Podge is one of my favorite crafting products and the combo of Mod Podge and glitter is just fun! Loving all the creativity being shared at the #2015ornamentexchange

  2. You can never go wrong with mod podge and glitter! very cute ornament!

  3. I love glitter on ornaments. This is such an easy craft and something my kids can do without me :-)

    1. If only there was a way to contain glitter! I swear I will be finding it for years haha :) Kind of like the pine needles from the Christmas tree that I keep finding 11 months later

  4. I love glitter. Your ornaments turned out so pretty and you can make them any color you want. Perfect.

    1. Thank you Kathleen! That's why I loved this idea - it's great to customize for anyone that you could gift it too.

  5. So Cute and so shiny.- Mamas Journey :)

  6. Hello I am a fellow ornament exchange participant popping by. Your ornament is so clever and cute!
    Have a wonderful day.

  7. Hi there, these turned out so glittery and fun! I keep reading about crafters putting the paint inside the ornament, I've gotta try this. Thanks for sharing this, I am a fellow ornament exchanger! :)


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