Uruguay Days 3 & 4

Happy Tuesday Friends! I hope your week is off to a great start and you have some exciting things scheduled for this week.  

Today I wanted to continue giving updates on my trip to Uruguay! 

Day 3

Sunday was a very relaxing day for us.  We slept in that morning and enjoyed a light breakfast before heading out to go shopping for the day.  One of the biggest parts of Uruguay is the meat, so of course we had to go try some of the local meats.  At the local market, we found a place that cooks the food right in front of you, so we sat down right at the grill and interacted with the chefs.  

It was really neat to see how they cook the food and to taste all of the different foods - steak, sausage, ham, lamb, etc.  And the staff was super friendly! They gave us a ton of great suggestions for food and we made sure to try all of the different options we could manage while we were there.

On our way out from the market, we saw a couple dancing in the street, so of course we stopped to enjoy the music and dancing.  Ironically, at one point the couple asks for volunteers to dance with them, so Sarah went and danced with the gentleman.  It was fun to watch him twirl her around and see her laughing.  They were both very friendly and made sure to have fun with the crowd.

After shopping, we ran home to get changed before heading to a local winery for a tour and tasting.  We ended up piling into a bus with a bunch of strangers and it was so fun to meet new people.  Once we arrived, we sat outside waiting for the tour to start and....

We had a sweet little visitor while we were waiting.  This sweet kitty jumped up on my lap then sat on the table while we were waiting for the tour to start.  Apparently, kitty is local to the winery and just sits with the guests as they enjoy the view.  Such a sweet and friendly little fur baby.  It was perfect for me since I was worried about my fur baby at home.  Let's just say it was a little kitty therapy.

For the tour, we ended up with our own guide because she spoke English.  It was nice to have the tour in English because I was able to really understand how they make the wine and enjoy the history lesson.  Plus, she was very friendly and answered any questions that I had.  

After the tour, we took part in a wine tasting.  I had never been to a wine tasting before so I was very excited to try the wines.  For the tasting, they provided us with different meats and cheese to pair with the wines.  It is really fascinating how different wines work better with other cheeses and meats.  I am not a huge wine drinker, so this was a great experience for me to try a few wines and really taste something different.  I even surprised myself by enjoying some of the red wines when I typically do not enjoy reds.  The day ended with us relaxing at home and packing our bags to head out to Buenos Aires.  

Day 4

Monday (Day 4) started with us packing up our stuff and walking to the Buquebus station.  I was pretty excited about taking the Buquebus since I have never been on a cruise ship and this is the closest to a cruise ship I have ever been on.  It was pretty funny walking to the Buquebus because Christina and I had packed roller suitcases for the trip and they were super loud rolling down the street on the cobblestone.  We definitely were the bearers of some odd looks from the locals.  

Sarah's parents were kind enough to upgrade our seats to premier class so we were able to enjoy the view and be more comfortable for the ride.  It was so neat to be able to see out the window as we made our way across the river.  Plus, they gave us glasses of champagne right as walked in to sit down.  Talk about the royal treatment. 

During the Buquebus, Christina and Sarah took a nap while I wrote in the journal.  We tried to keep a journal for the entirety of the trip {we kind of failed at the end}.  But we did capture some really silly and fun things that happened.  

After arriving in Buenos Aires, we walked to a local restaurant to grab a quick bite to eat.  It was nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine since it had been so chilly in Montevideo.  Everyone ordered empanadas and salad for lunch and we all enjoyed a nice cup of coffee before making our way to the hotel.

After settling into the hotel, Sarah, her mom, Christina and myself grabbed a taxi to head out and see the city.  On our first stop, we went to the Recoleta Cemetery.  Ironically, we arrived shortly before closing and they told us that we would not be able to enter, but another family standing there told the guard that all we needed was five minutes, so we quickly followed them into the cemetery to take a look around.  If you did not know, Eva Peron is buried in Recoleta in her family's plot.  It was rather incredible to see all of the different crypts and the history around some of them.  I found myself not wanting to talk much out of respect to the deceased.

After the cemetery we made our way to the church and looked around.  It was so beautiful and ornate inside the church.  I took some pictures but they really do not begin to do the church justice.

After the church we left Recoleta to make our way to El Ateneo.  We ended up walking some fifteen blocks to get here (because the map made it look close) before arriving at the book store.  This book store is so cool! They took an opera house and turned it into this ginormous book store - there are books in all areas of the store and I found myself wishing we had a lot more time then we had.

{Look how silly I look haha ^ }

After the book store, we made our way to La Bomba de Tiempo.  This was probably my favorite part of Buenos Aires.  La Bomba de Tiempo is a local show that is only on Monday evenings, so of course we had to take the time to go to the show.  

The show is basically a group of drummers that make some pretty awesome music.  I loved being there surround by all kinds of people and really enjoyed the show.  We also made some new friends while we were there! The girls on the left are from Germany and they were really cool girls.  It turns out they were studying abroad in Buenos Aires and had some to the show per the recommendation of some of the other students.  How cool is that? I love meeting new people and loved getting to know them a bit.

Well that is all for Days 3 & 4! I will be doing another post soon! 

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