Currently: January 2016

Happy Friday Friends! I hope your first week back to work//school has been great and you have some exciting plans this weekend!

I came across this idea on Becca Dorr's Blog and I thought it would be a fun new mini series to do on the first Friday of every month. 

ANTICIPATING Going up north mid-January.  We have not been up to Justin's family cabin in a long time.  I am really hoping that we have plenty of snow so we can take the snowmobiles out for a ride while we are there. 

CLEANING The excess stuff.  With Justin and I buying a house this year, I am realizing that I need to get rid of things that we will not be taking with us to the house.

DREADING Nothing really.  There are a lot of exciting things coming up and I am focusing on the positive as much as I can.

DRINKING Water.  So much water.  I know that I will need a lot of water when running the 1/2 marathon tomorrow, so I have been drinking a ton of it.

FEELING Excited.  2016 has a lot of exciting things in store for Justin and I and I cannot wait to watch what things unfold for us this year. 

LISTENING Adele's newest CD.  Justin got it for me as a Christmas gift and I love it.

PLAYING Panda Pop.  Still.  This game is so addicting.

READING Invisible by Jennifer Rothschild.  I saw Jennifer speak in person at a ladies retreat a few years ago and she is positively amazing.  If you have not read any of her books, I would highly recommend her.

RECOVERING from a bum back.  I threw it out on Monday last week and it has been making a slow recovery.

TRYING to meal plan.  Does anyone else out there have the same problem? I swear if I could pay someone to cook for me, I would.

WAITING to have some conversations with people.  I love having date nights with friends and look forward to spending time with everyone. 

WALKING a 1/2 marathon tomorrow!! AHHHHHH.

WEARING Chunky sweaters and boots.  The weather has been chilly but not super cold like last year, so I've been taking advantage of the cooler weather with my sweaters and boots.

Question of the Day: What do you have going on "currently"?

I'd love to hear from you!

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