Friday Favorites #2

Happy Friday Friends!
It's FRIDAY, and I've decided to join a new linky party! Every week I will be sharing a few of my favorite things from the past week.  The goal is to share random things, but I may end up doing some themed ones along the way.

I'm linking up today with my friends AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favorites!


Strawberry banana smoothies from Bozii.  I have been trying to find a good meal for breakfast and these smoothies have been hitting the spot 100% for me this past week.  To make it fill me up for longer, I have been having them add a scoop of protein powder so that I am not starving within the hour.


This little hedgehog is my spirit animal.  I came across this video on Imgur and had to share it with everyone.  This little guy is the epitome of hangry - I mean look at the picture on the left.  He is so angry that he has not eaten yet.  Now look at the picture on the right - he's had something to eat and is a happy camper.  Seriously the best representation of hangry if you ask me. 


I am super excited because I have been trying to come up with a good solution for what to do with my old t-shirts and my friend told me about Project Repat.  To get your quilt made, all you have to do is pick what size quilt you want, pick your background color, cut your shirts up {they provide a tutorial on how to do this} and mail them out.  They will make the quilt and send it back to you free of charge.  I cut up my shirts and mailed them out to Project Repat yesterday! I cannot wait to get my quilt back from them.

If this is something you are interested in, check out this link for 20% off a quilt!  I will be sure to share a review of the company with you all once I get my quilt back.

Christina and I have already signed up to run the Detroit 1/2 Marathon in October and we have a goal to finish the race in 3:30.  Seeing as we finished the Disney half in 3:55, I think this would be a reasonable goal.  Part of the training we have set up for ourselves is to run at least 1 mile every time we go to the gym.  For the very first mile, our goal was 13:00 and we finished well ahead of that.  I'm hoping that by the time we're finished I can run a mile in 10:00 or less.  Fingers crossed!


Question of the Day: What is your favorite thing of this week? 

I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment

  1. Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by to say hello on my blog this morning. :) The "hangry" picture is too cute! And I'm SO excited to learn of this Project Repat - that is too cool and I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend ahead! :)


Glad you stopped by! Please share your thoughts with me and I will do my best to respond ASAP!a