What's Up Wednesday #6

Happy Wednesday Friends! Today I am linking up with Mix and Match FamilyPinterest Told Me To and The Larson Lingo for the What's Up Wednesday Post.  What's Up Wednesday occurs on the last Wednesday of every month and it is a fun list of questions getting ready for the upcoming month!

What We're Eating this Week: 
If I am being honest, we are eating a whole lot of nothing good.  We desperately need to go grocery shopping and I need to step up my game on meal planning.  Let's just say 2016 has been off to a rough start in the food front.  Anyone have some good crock pot recipes? I am in dire need.

What I'm Reminiscing About
Lately I have been missing my sweet grandma.  It has been just over a year since Heaven got the best Angel it has ever seen.  She was such a light in my life and I will forever miss her sweet smile and soft hugs.


What I'm Loving
The TV show "Galavant".  If you have not had a chance to watch it, I would highly recommend at least checking it out.  The show always have me laughing and the humor appeals to all types of people {which is great since Justin and I have very different senses of humor}.

What We've Been Up To
The beginning of this year has been absolutely chaotic and I've been loving every minute of the chaos.  The first weekend in January we went to Florida for my first 1/2 Marathon, the second weekend we spend up north in the Upper Peninsula, and last weekend I celebrated my friends birthday.  So busy, but so much fun!

What I'm Dreading
 Upcoming doctor appointments.  I have to schedule my physical and my lady doctor visit and it looks like I will be going to a lady doctor this time around.  I really hate seeing new doctors and I have had some AWFUL experiences with medical billing recently so I am dreading the combination of all of that.

What I'm Working On
 I came across this adorable pattern for a poncho and I had to knit one for my niece.  I bought the materials around the New Year and went to town.  Right now I am working on the hood portion, then I will be knitting the pocket and the ears.  I cannot wait to give this to her!

What I'm Looking Forward To
My cousin's baby shower this weekend.  My cousins and I have been working to make this the most fun and adorable shower possible.  The shower is this coming Saturday, so I will definitely be sharing about her shower sometime next week!

What I'm Watching/Reading
Right now I am reading Butternut Summer by Mary McNear

I also have been watching The Bachelor.  Honestly, this is one of my most guilty pleasures and I look forward to watching it every week.  So far, this season has been a train wreck and I love it.  Another part of The Bachelor I love is reading the recaps from Pinterest Told Me To.  Her recaps are hilarious!

What I'm Listening To
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey.  I was hoping to finish the book before the movie came out last weekend; alas, time has not been in my favor.  Thankfully, I will be able to take some time to listen to it before Justin and I {hopefully}go see it this coming weekend.

What I'm Wearing
A ton of scarves - today I am actually wearing the one I got while we were in Newport.  I love wearing scarves, especially when it is on the chillier side.  Thankfully, I have a ton to choose from. Speaking of which, do any of you have recommendations on how to organize scarves? I am looking for a better way than what I have right now.

What I'm Doing this Weekend
Baby shower and Painting with a Twist!

Bonus: My Favorite Valentine's Treat
Little Debbie Valentine's Iced Brownies - so delicious but SO bad for me.
Picture from A to Zebra Celebrations

Previous What's Up Wednesday Posts:

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